Further, Johnson correctly mentions that what constitutes living is being citizens of another world. However, the NT teaches that what constitutes being citizens of another world is not miraculous healing powers, but personal godliness. When heaven invades our lives in sanctification, we will strive for personal holiness, humbly and diligently searching and seeing ungodly idolatry in our lives, repent of it, and grow in humble surrender under the lordship of Christ.

WHIE seems to impatiently force its desire for heavenly conditions upon a cursed, unheavenly earth. Heaven will invade earth. And when it does, the exalted Christ will not bring heaven here, but dispose of this current cursed earth (2 Pet. 3:7), and re-create an entirely new, pristine heavens and earth where the curse will be forever gone (Rev. 21:1-8). And it will not happen by our coercion of God, but according to his wise, sovereign plan.

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The basic premise is that God always wants to do abundant and remarkable miracles but is kept from doing so by the fear and unbelief of the church. God awaits the arrival of specially anointed and enlightened Christians who will make it possible for Him to bring at long last an invasion of heaven to earth before the return of Christ. That is the point of Johnson's title. His subtitle is A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles. Accordingly, with the right information, zeal, desire, piety, faith and anointing, any Christian can "make the supernatural natural" (Johnson: 133).

The kenosis doctrine is based on a misuse of Philippians 2:7 where Paul says that Jesus emptied Himself. False teachers claim that Jesus "emptied" Himself of deity and became only a man during the Incarnation. This claim is tantamount to the outright denial of Christ's deity. This important issue is missed on people like Johnson, who attack the validity of Christian scholarship. Johnson's denial of Christ's deity during His earthly ministry is the same as the Word of Faith heresy's denial of Jesus' deity when He died on the cross. They claim he lost His divinity and suffered in hell as a man. Both denials are blatant heresy. Let me explain why.

My conclusion is not overly harsh: that this movement is not really from heaven, as it is claimed to be. Many young people are targeted and deceived by it. Powerful experiences in a Christian context form a potent elixir that dulls ones theological senses. I know because when I was young, I was drawn into a similar movement based on experiences that I allowed to trump sound Biblical exegesis. Thankfully God saved me out of that and led me, through Scripture, to the true gospel. May many who are in the clutches of this false revivalism be spared as I was. be457b7860

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