Marie Martel
Hi, I'm Dr. Marie Martel
My main research focus is to understand how the brain controls imagined or real movements performed with the hand or a tool. I am particularly interested in the interplay between multisensory integration, motor control and body representations during typical and atypical development. In these pages you will find information on my current and past projects. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to collaborate!
My other interests include Open Science, and I try to publish all my data on OSF. I am also very keen on Science popularisation and have participated in many events with children and adults over the years, in France, Germany and the UK (see Publications for some examples).
I am currently a lecturer at the University of Surrey.
Before that, I worked under the guidance of Scott Glover at Royal Holloway University of London (United Kingdom) and in Tobias Heed's group at the University of Bielefeld (Germany).
I did my PhD at the University of Lyon (France) under the supervision of Alice Catherine Roy (Laboratoire Dynamique du Language, Lyon) and in collaboration with Alessandro Farnè (ImpAct Team, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center).