Balasubramanya, S., Buisson, M.C., Mitra, A., & Stifel, D. 2023. Price, credit or ambiguity? Increasing small-scale irrigation in Ethiopia. World Development, 163, 106149.

Balasubramanya, S. and Buisson, M.C., 2022. Positive incentives for managing groundwater in the presence of informal water markets: perspectives from India. Environmental Research Letters, 17(10), p.101001.

Ahmed, Z., Shew, A.M., Mondal, M.K., Yadav, S., Jagadish, S.K., Prasad, P.V., Buisson, M.C., Das, M. and Bakuluzzaman, M., 2022. Climate risk perceptions and perceived yield loss increases agricultural technology adoption in the polder areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Rural Studies, 94, pp.274-286.

Buisson, M.C.; Clement, F.; Leder, S. 2022. Women’s empowerment and the will to change: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Rural Studies, 94: 128-139.

Buisson, M.C.; Balasubramanya, S.; Stifel, D. 2021. Electric Pumps, Groundwater, Agriculture and Water Buyers: Evidence from West Bengal. Journal of Development Studies, 57(11): 1893-1911.

Belaud, G.; Mateos, L.; Aliod, R.; Buisson, M.C.; Faci, E.; Gendre, S.; Ghinassi, G.; Gonzales Perea, R.; Lejars, C.; Maruejols, F.; Zapata, N. 2020. Irrigation and energy: issues and challenges. Irrigation and Drainage, 69(S1):177-185.

Buisson, M.C., & Balasubramanya, S. 2019. The effect of irrigation service delivery and training in agronomy on crop choice in Tajikistan. Land Use Policy, 81, 175-184.

Clement, F., Buisson, M.C.., Leder, S., Balasubramanya, S., Saikia, P., Bastakoti, R., Karki, E., van Koppen, B. 2019. From women's empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis. Global Food Security, 23, 160-172.

Mitra, A.; Buisson, M.C.; Bastakoti, R. 2017. Enhancing coordination in water management through communication tools: Results from experimental games in Coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of the Commons, 11(2):774-798.

Buisson, M.C.; Curnow, J.; Naz F. 2017. The Gender Gap between Water Management and Water Users: Evidence from Southwest Bangladesh. SAWAS, 5(4):28-41.

Buisson, M.C.; Das, A.; Mukherji, A. 2017. Where River Meets the Sea: Participatory Water Management in Coastal Bangladesh. Review of Market Integration, 9(1-2): 45-65

Apgar, J. M.; Cohen, P. J.; Ratner, B. D.; De Silva, S.; Buisson, M.C.; Longley, C.; Bastakoti, R.; Mapedza E. 2017. Identifying opportunities to improve governance of aquatic agricultural systems through participatory action research. Ecology and Society 22(1):9.

Dewan, C.; Mukherji, A.; Buisson, M.C. 2015. Evolution of water management in coastal Bangladesh: from temporary earthen embankments to depoliticized community-managed polders. Water International, 40(3):401-416.

Dewan, C.; Buisson, M.C.; Mukherji, A. 2014. The imposition of participation? The case of participatory water management in coastal Bangladesh. Water Alternatives 7(2): 342-366

Naz, F.; Buisson, M.C.; Mitra, A. 2017. Downscaling Climate Change: Perceptions and Adaptive Behaviours of Rural Farmers in West Bengal. In Swarnakar, P., Zavestoski, S., Kumar, B. (Eds), Bottom-up approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh. SAGE Publishing India.

Kenia, N.; Buisson, M.C. 2015. How successful are community-led organizations for water management? Evidence from an assessment of water management organizations in coastal Bangladesh. In Humphreys, E.; Tuong, T. P.; Buisson, M.-C.; Pukinskis, I.; Phillips, M. Proceedings of the CPWF, GBDC, WLE Conference on Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone: Turning Science into Policy and Practices, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2015. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). pp.131-146.

Faz, F.; Buisson, M.C. 2015. Multiple actors, conflicting roles and perverse incentives: the case of poor operation and maintenance of coastal polders in Bangladesh. In Humphreys, E.; Tuong, T. P.; Buisson, M.-C; Pukinskis, I.; Phillips, M. Proceedings of the CPWF, GBDC, WLE Conference on Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone: Turning Science into Policy and Practices, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 21-23 October 2015. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). pp.147-161.

Buisson, M.C. 2012. Allocation du temps de travail des femmes au Sénégal, travaux domestiques et activités génératrices de revenus. CERDI, Études et Documents, E 2012.09.

Buisson, M.C. 2011. L'accès aux services énergétiques réduit-il la malnutrition des enfants ? Évaluation d'impact du programme des plateformes multifonctionnelles. CERDI, Études et Documents, E 2011.16.


Mitra, A.; Buisson, M.C.; Osmani, Z.; Habib, A.; Hossain, M.; Siddiqui, B.; Mukherji, A. 2022. Mitigation and beyond: Multiple co-benefits of solar irrigation in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 4p. (SoLAR Issue Brief Series - No. 2)

Mukherji, A.; Buisson, M.C.; Mitra, A.; Sarkar, A,; Yashodha. 2022. Sonar Bangla Revisited: Groundwater development and agrarian change in Bangladesh and West Bengal since the 1970s. IWMI-ACIAR

Mukherji, A.; Buisson, M.C.; Mitra, A. 2020. Does increased access to groundwater irrigation through electricity reforms affect agriculural and groundwater outcomes? Evidence from West Bengal, India. IWMI, ACIAR.

Buisson, M.C.; Saikia, P.; Maitra, S. 2020. Community water management and agricultural extension services: effects, impacts and perceptions in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) 48p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 8)

Buisson, M.C.; MacDonald, K.; Saikia, P.; Balasubramanya, S.; Aslamy, S.; Horbulyk, T. 2016. Impact of Water Users Associations on Water and Land Productivity, Equity and Food Security in Tajikistan. Mid-term Technical Report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute.

Balasubramanya, S.; Buisson, M.C; Yakubov, M.; Saikia, P., MacDonald, K.; Aslamy, K.; Hannah, C.; Platonov, A. 2016. Impact of Water Users Associations on Water and Land Productivity, Equity and Food Security in Tajikistan. Baseline Technical Report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute.

Buisson, M.C., Sharma, B.R.; Naz. F., Mitra, A., Kenia, N. (IWMI); Dey, N.C., Saha, R., Bhattacharjee, A., Ahmad, S. (BRAC). 2014. Food Security, Water Productivity and Poverty: Comparative study between India (West Bengal) and Bangladesh (Southwest region). A Joint Study Report by International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and BRAC- Dhaka submitted to ―Ecosystems for Life: A Bangladesh- India Initiative‖ of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); 104 pp.

Aubery, F.; Buisson, M.C. 2011. Survey on self-sufficiency, strategies and livelihoods for Central African refugees and local population in Nya-Pende, Chad. Analysis from survey data and global strategy. Center for Conflict Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP)