Lesson Plan


Climate Change


Students will learn about climate change, what it is and what its overall effect on our planet and its impact in many ecosystems and the way that we live.

Topics Covered

What is Climate Change?

What causes climate change?

What solutions are there for climate change?

How has climate change impacted humans? What about animals and plants?


  • Carbon Dioxide

  • Greenhouse Gas

  • Emissions

  • Weather vs. Climate

  • Global Warming vs. Climate Change

  • Fossil Fuels

  • Sea-Level Rise

  • Renewable Energy


Lab Content

Reusable Bottles Garden

Easy Activity for everyone!


  • Plastic Bottle (Ask students to bring some from home! But bring some extras just in case)

  • Soil

  • Seeds

  • or Plants !


  1. Students (with the Teachers help) will cut a hole in their plastic bottle towards the center

  2. Students will fill the bottle with fresh soil

  3. Students will pick a seed for them to plant!

  4. Alternatively, Teachers can bring plants for the students to put in themselves!!

Measuring Sea- Level Rise


  • Plastic Container

  • Clay/Play Doh

  • Ice

  • Water

  • Food Coloring (optional)


  1. Place some water on the plastic container along with a chunk of play doh on one side of it

  2. Place a few ice cubes on top of the container

Note: Make sure the water doesn't reach the ice!

  1. Mark a line where the sea level is

  2. Have the students observe the ice as it melts and watch the levles of the water rise!