
Research Interests

Micro-geography of Innovation, Commercialization of Specialized Knowledge

Peer Reviewed Publications

Marinoni, Astrid, and Maria P. Roche. "You've Got Mail! The Late 19th Century U.S. Postal Service Expansion, Entrepreneurship, and Firm Performance." Accepted at Management Science (July 2024).

Roche, M.P., Oettl, A., Catalini, C. "Proximate (Co-)Working: Knowledge Spillovers and Social Interactions". Management Science. Ahead of Print. 

Roche, M.P. "Academic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Advisors and their Advisees' Outcomes." Organization Science 34, no. 2 (March, 2023): 959–986. 

Conti, Annamaria, and Maria P. Roche. "Lowering the Bar? External Conditions, Opportunity Costs, and High-Tech Startup Outcomes." Organization Science 32, no. 4 (July–August 2021): 965–986. 

Roche, M. P., Annamaria Conti, and Frank T. Rothaermel. "Different Founders, Different Firms: A Comparative Analysis of Academic and Non-academic Startups." Special Issue on Innovative Start-Ups and Policy Initiatives. Research Policy 49, no. 10 (December 2020). 

Roche, M. P. "Taking Innovation to the Streets: Micro-geography, Physical Structure and Innovation." Review of Economics and Statistics 102, no. 5 (December 2020): 912–928. 

Wagner, G., Prester, J., Roche, M., Benlian, A., Schryen, G., Paré, G., Templier, M. "Which Factors Affect the Scientific Impact of Review Papers in IS Research? A Scientometric Study." Information & Management (January 2021). 

Other Publications

Roche, Maria P., and Andy Wu. "What's the Optimal Workplace for Your Organization?" Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (February 9, 2022).  






Working Papers

Gross, D. and Roche, M. “Coordinated R&D Programs and the Creation of New Industries.” 

Brown, Daniel Jay, and Maria P. Roche. "Learning to Use: Stack Overflow and Technology Adoption." 

Boudou, Justine, and Maria P. “Bringing Science to Market: Knowledge Foundations and Performance.” 

Conti, Annamaria, Gupta, Vansh, Guzman, Jorge, and Maria P. Roche “Incentivizing Innovation in the Open: Evidence from the GitHub Sponsorship Program."

Brown, Daniel Jay, and Maria Roche. "The Ties That No Longer Bind: Inventor Mobility and Patent Litigation." 

Conti, Annamaria, Christian Peukert, and Maria Roche. "Beefing IT Up for Your Investor? Open Sourcing and Startup Funding: Evidence from GitHub."

Thursby, Jerry, Marie Thursby, Karim R. Lakhani, Kyle R. Myers, Nina Cohodes, Sarah Bratt, Dennis Byrski, Hannah Cohoon, and Maria Roche. "Scientific Production: An Exploration into Organization, Resource Allocation, and Funding."