Mariapaola Piccione
I am a PhD candidate at the Institut für Linguistik/Romanistik at the University of Stuttgart. I am currently employed within the Structuring the Input in Language Processing, Acquisition and Change (SILPAC, DFG FOR5157) Research Unit, working on project H1 (PI: Dr. Thomas Rainsford). The project focuses on the development of motion-lexicalization constructions in French and Italian and the role of language contact and bilingual speakers as driver of change.
Within the scope of project H1, my PhD dissertation explores how language acquisition modelling can provide insights into the diachronic and synchronic development of motion-lexicalization constructions in French and Italian from a comparative perspective.
Previously, I have worked as Student Research Assistant in the Project P10 within the Research Unit Questions at the Interfaces (DFG FOR2111) at the University of Konstanz. The project aimed at investigating the acquisition of Rhetorical Questions by monolingual and bilingual children and adults in Italian and German. I wrote my MA thesis within this project focusing on language dominance in bilingual children examined by means of a Narrative task.
Research interests:
Language acquisition, bi- and multilingualism, diachronic change, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics.
Institut für Linguistik/Romanistik
Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstrasse 17
70174 Stuttgart