HTMP II SY 2023-24

Guest Speaker: Liza Matanane, PIC, for Employment Skills - May 16, 2024

Today a staff from the HR department in PIC came to our HTMP class to present to our class. This guest speaker, Ms. Liza, was different from the previous guest speakers in the sense that she didn't have a full PowerPoint ready or anything elaborate. Instead, it was more of a sit-down talk, sort of like a consultation or just giving out advice. She spoke about how your resume and job applications are important. She went over first impressions, unexpected questions, mannerisms, and what some companies look for in an employee and how they meet them halfway. It was an enriching presentation where she went over her experiences, advice, and we even got to practice being interviewed by her.

I learned many things from that presentation. It highlighted key points that people should be aware of when applying for a job or maintaining a job. I found it to be very fun, and super interactive. Ms. Liza was engaging with us, and it was fun listening to her talk about these things despite my being a bit sleep deprived. She made concepts easy to understand, and I found myself taking down mental notes for future reference even though I was tired. I was very impressed, and I enjoyed the guest speaker today!

Chapter 4: Meeting, Expositions, Event, and Convention Venues - May 2, 2024

The spotlight discussed in this section was about Tim Obert who was a general manager at Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. The following passages detail his journey in his career. Obert began his career at Hyatt following his college graduation in which he participated in the corporate management-training program at Hyatt. From there, he advanced as the years went by; going from an Assistant Executive Housekeeper to a Director of Bell Service, etc. Additionally, Obert gives insight into giving guests a wonderful experience as well as recommendations.

I learned how hotels work to deliver a memorable experience to their guests as well as differences in how a restaurant and hotel handle things though they are both part of the hospitality industry. I found the interview a delight to read. It was interesting to read about an experienced hotel employee on his views and what he's learned in this industry. It was very educational and enriching.

I plan on venturing into the field of dentistry as a dentist which does involve interacting with people. I can apply his advice to my career in the future by being mindful of my patients. Making them comfortable and the experience a good one. This is so I can build a connection and trust between me and my patients. Though this career is not in the hospitality industry, the tactics used in the industry are useful in other fields as well.

Hilton Banquet Manager's Presentation - March 22, 2024

Paul Ofalla, Hilton's banquet manager, came to our HTMP class on the 20th of March. We learned ways tables can be set up differently depending on the event and how big the room is. We learned how to fold napkins in around 6 different ways----which was really fun. We also got to hear about Mr. Ofalla's experience in the industry and how he got the position he's in today. He was a very knowledgeable and articulate person, so it was easy to understand the point he was trying to make.

I had a lot of fun during his presentation. I was actively listening since I didn't have my notebook to write down notes. Honestly, folding the napkins was fun, but at times, I was confused or frustrated when I didn't understand a step because it looked so simple but I wasn't able to execute it. However, the victory of finally getting that fold and result was worth it. It was nice to interact with Mr. Ofalla since he is very friendly and teaches well. I must say, I did get quite competitive during the end when he was asking questions and giving prizes. Though I came out with nothing, I didn't expect to suddenly get that riled up----and it was fun! I had a wonderful time.

Field Trip: Two Lover's Point & Tsubaki Tower - March 22, 2024

On March 18, 2024, the HTMP junior class went on a field trip with the ProStart junior class to Two Lover's Point and Tsubaki Tower. We were met with the usual sights and knowledge in Two Lover's Point, but what was new to us was going to the Tsubaki Tower. We toured the hotel with the club lounge, suites, etc. Through the presentation a staff most graciously presented us with, we learned about how the hotel came to be, the tourism industry, as well as cool features in each hotel room. As HTMP students, it was very educating to see how an actual hotel functions as well as what it can provide for guests. For ProStart students, this field trip was also important to them since culinary is a major part of the tourism industry. 

I have already stayed at the Tsubaki Tower for four nights in total in their standard room, but since the hotel is so expensive and most things are exclusive, my family and I weren't able to explore much of the hotel in regards to floors other than the lobby and our hotel room. It was very exciting to see the junior rooms and suites. I audibly gasped when we entered them because it was much more spacious and luxurious than the standard room----which was already impressive. The club lounge was my favorite part of the tour. I couldn't stop awing at the sight. The light came in beautifully through the windows and I loved the bookshelves. It felt very cozy. The upper floors were not short of grandeur too. There was a bar with a huge piano and the whole aesthetic of the room made it feel like we weren't in the same hotel. The barbecue place was spectacular as well as the buffet room. In short, I couldn't stop myself from grabbing my phone and recording as much as I could once I snapped out of my amazement and daze. 

Professional Dress Day - January 12, 2024

Professional dress day was assigned for January 12, 2024, for us junior HTMP students. But why professional dress day? Why is it important and why do we students partake in it? Well, dressing professionally with nice, clean clothes gives people a good impression of you. People such as employers and bystanders. If you were to go to a job interview, dressing professionally will give the employer a good impression of you, after all, you only have one chance to make a good impression. It also gives you a boost of confidence and the aura you emit when you are well dressed is attractive to the eyes of many. We, students, participate in professional dress day because it is practice for us and teaches us when we are going to do adult life matters such as applying for jobs. It's best to learn early so that one does not have trouble with such simple matters in the future.

This is the second year that I dressed professionally and I can say without a doubt that I still feel confident. Dressing in such a way will change how you present and view yourself. As such, I feel good about myself and proud of what I'm wearing and how I look like. Everyone would compliment me or ask me what I was dressing so nicely for. It is sort of like armor. The clothes make you feel safe and like you can't be messed with. I love dressing like this and it inspires me to change my wardrobe or to change the way I pair clothes.

GVB Presenters - Ms. Sablan & Ms.Nedlic's Presentation - December 15, 2023

Ms. Sablan and Ms. Nedlic visited our class one afternoon and shared information regarding Guam's marketing strategies as well as our history regarding Korea and Japan. They discussed the decline of tourism as a result of the pandemic as well as what they do to attract visitors from this point on. I learned that over the pandemic the number of airlines from Korea that flew to Guam decreased. The strategies that they recently implemented for Korea and Japan were social media and influencers. It costs less but makes a bigger impact. One of the other things they taught us was the festivals they held that teach people the Chamorro culture.

When Ms. Sablan and Ms. Nedlic were presenting, I was entranced, you could say. The way they carried themselves and held so much passion for their job captured my attention. Each slide they presented went into great detail about it and was easy to understand. I was curious every step of the way. At the end, they gave us a quiz and prizes! Their friendly and confident appearance was really nice, and I enjoyed their presentation!

Article: The Tourism Free-For-All Is Over - November 6, 2023

Tourism is a large industry that can affect a region negatively or positively, and the article, "The Tourism Free-For-All Is Over," by Kelsey Vlamis, goes over everything regarding the impacts of tourism in different places. The article was lengthy, but I learned a lot about what the industry can do to a place in both a negative and positive way. Many places, mainly in Europe, experience overcrowding, vandalism, and disruption of local life. This is because these European countries are so popular and are presented like a dream, which attracts tourists. But as many tourists come, the place could get overcrowded and could ruin the experience for many. Tourist spots are slowly driving away the locals because of such reasons and an increase in rent due to people buying property and raising its value. However, places that experience this have come up with a solution to steady the wave of tourists. Greece announced that they'll only be taking in 20,000 tourists a day in the Acropolis of Athens, Italy is charging $5 entry to visit the city center in Venice, and Amsterdam is not taking in cruise ships in the city center. This does not solve the problem once and for all, but it is a temporary solution.

When our class first began reading this article, I thought it would go over things we already knew, but it didn't. Instead, it expanded on what we knew and went into the specifics. It was enriching to read, and I found myself being surprised or baffled at the information being given, such as people defacing the Colosseum and not paying any mind to the fines they would have to pay if they defaced it. It's shocking that people would not respect historical monuments and artifacts. They would rather place their "mark" on it and that made me disgusted. This article was well-written and taught me many things that happen in the tourism industry.

GCC Presentation by Carol Cruz - October 27, 2023

On the 25th of October, Carol Cruz, the Department Chairperson of HTMP, visited our classroom and presented to us. She went over many things, such as what HTMP is about, the history of tourism in Guam, what the industry offers, and many more. I learned many facts about the tourism industry and offers available to me through Mrs. Cruz such as Guam's top visitors and yearly average visitors. She showed us a line graph which showcased the rises and falls of tourism in the years 2000-2023. It expanded my knowledge of what can cause a decline in tourism revenue, and this presentation helped a lot when writing my essay about the tourism industry.

There was a lot of information that was new to me throughout this presentation, and my reaction to each slide was in short: enthusiastic. I got the most excited when she went over the Hotel Associate Youth Apprenticeship Program. When she talked about the hotels that were included in that program, the wages, work experience, and paid tuition for GCC---I couldn't stop smiling and planning things out in my head. It was a good opportunity to be given, and hopefully, I can be a part of it. Not only that but the information about the history of Guam's tourism enlightened and surprised me. I did not know that viruses could cause such a dip in numbers or that 2020-2021 (COVID years) was the worst time for the tourism industry. It was such a fun experience, and I enjoyed the presentation and meeting her!