MSCA Grant


In 2019, I received a Marie Sklodowska Curie action (MSCA) grant from the European Commission. The action funded part of my postdoctoral research on long-term care policies.

The grant (called LTC-policies) was started in September 2020 and was terminated upon my initiative in June 2021 (when I left my postdoctoral position to start a position at CPB).

Click here below to learn more about the project and the publications related to this project.

Psst... Are you a young researcher looking for funding?

Then apply for a MSCA grant! To me it has been a great opportunity to conduct independent research, grow into the academic field and spend time in a foreign research institution.

Applications must be submitted in September, jointly by the candidate researcher and the host institution. Prepare it well ahead, so that you can discuss it with other researchers and review it thoroughly.

Check the dedicated webpage on the European Commission's website.