Published papers

Published Papers

“IKEA: Pricing, Product, and Pass-Through”, (with Anthony Landry). Research in Economics 71:3 (September 2017), 507-520.

“International risk-sharing in the short run and in the long run,” Canadian Journal of Economics 45:2, May 2012, 376-393.

“What can account for fluctuations in the terms of trade?” (with M.J. Kouparitsas), International Finance, 9:1, 63-86, January 2006. Appendix.

“Variable factor utilization and international business cycles” (with D. Farr,) Journal of International Economics, January 2006.

“Fiscal Externalities and Optimal Taxation in an Economic Community” (with R. King), NBER conference volume International Seminar on Macroeconomics, July, 2005.

“Determinants of Business Cycle Comovement: A Robust Analysis”, (with M. Kouparitsas), Journal of Monetary Economics, 52:1 (January 2005) 113-147.

“Trade Structure, Industrial Structure, and International Business Cycles,” (with M.J. Kouparitsas), American Economic Review 51:2 (May 2003), 51-56.

“Social Security as a financial asset: Gender-specific risks and returns,” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 1, January 2002.

“The Role of International Investment in a Privatized Social Security System” (with R. King), in Risk Aspects of Investment Based Social Security Reform (M. Feldstein and J. Campbell, eds.,), University of Chicago Press, 2002.

“Household production and the excess sensitivity of consumption to current income,” (with U.J. Jermann), American Economic Review, September 1999.

“Measuring business cycles: Approximate band-pass filters for economic time series” (with R.G. King), Review of Economics and Statistics 81:4, November 1999, 575-593.

“Synthetic returns on NIPA assets: An international comparison” (with U.J. Jermann and R.G. King), European Economic Review 42 (1998), 1141-1172.

“Nontraded goods, nontraded factors, and international non-diversification,” (with U.J. Jermann and R.G. King), Journal of International Economics 44:2, April 1998, 211-229.

“The international diversification puzzle is worse than you think,” (with U.J. Jermann), American Economic Review 87:1 (March 1997), 170-191.

“Are consumer durables important for business cycles?” Review of Economics and Statistics LXXVIII:1 (February 1996), 147-155.

“International trade and business cycles,” in: Handbook of International Economics 3, (G. Grossman and K. Rogoff, eds.), December 1995.

“Business cycles and the asset structure of foreign trade,” (with M.J. Crucini), International Economic Review 36:4 (November 1995), 821-854.

“Real exchange rates and real interest differentials: Have we missed the business-cycle relationship?” Journal of Monetary Economics 33:1 (February 1994), 5-37.

Fiscal Policy in general equilibrium,” (with R.G. King), American Economic Review 83 (June 1993), 315-334.

“Explaining saving-investment correlations,” (with M.J. Crucini), American Economic Review 83 (June 1993), 416-436.

i"Fiscal policy, specialization and trade in the two-sector model: The return of Ricardo?” Journal of Political Economy 100:4 (August 1992), 713-744.

“Approximating suboptimal dynamic equilibria: An Euler equation approach,” Journal of Monetary Economics 28:2 (October 1991), 173-200.

"Business cycles, stylized facts, and the exchange-rate regime: Evidence from the United States,” Journal of International Money and Finance 10, (January 1991), 71-88.

"Solving the stochastic growth model: A discrete-state-space, Euler equation approach to computing dynamic equilibria,” (with M.J. Crucini and K.G. Rouwenhorst), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 8, (January 1990), 19-21.

“Rational response to unanticipated policies: Financial markets' response to the 1979 change in Federal Reserve operating procedure,” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 31 (1989), 247-295.

"Money and market incompleteness in overlapping-generations models,” Journal of Monetary Economics 24 (July 1989), 69-91.

"Business cycles and the exchange-rate regime: Some international evidence,” (with A. Stockman), Journal of Monetary Economics 23, (May 1989), 377-400.

“Multipliers in equilibrium business-cycle models,” (with R.G. King), Proceedings of the Second World Basque Conference, September 1987.

“Monetary reform in Latin America: Prospects for success,” (with J. Roldos), Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management 1, (1986/87), 24-33.

“The role of expectations in stabilization policy,” Journal of Monetary Economics 15 (May 1985), 343-362.