about me

my passion

Since I was a child, I enjoyed playing videogames and crafting stuff with anything I found in my house. I spent hours drawing because I love being creative, but I also enjoyed technical aspects of the daily life, so I ended up studying a Computer Science degree.

Even before I had participated in my first game jam, I already knew I wanted to be a game developer to make players have amazing experiences, inspired by those devs that made me love videogames because of the emotions they make me feel.

my hobbies

Besides playing and developing games...


Dressing up as my favourite videogame characters and the entire process of crafting their props is an amazing feeling that just can't be explained with words. The characters I dress up as are inspiring figures that have taught me something, and spending hundreds of hours working just to look like them is my way to create a tribute to them.

My Ellie Cosplay, photography by colossalplace


I started drawing when I was 5, and since then it has been a way to clear my mind and relax. I often draw when I am on the bus, bored at my house or inspired, and even if I'm not really good at it, it really helps me to deal with daily problems.


Thanks to my Erasmus in Finland I have been able to get to know many different cultures, and I love the feeling of going to other countries you know nothing about and have amazing experiences. I believe that every minute you spend with a foreigner is a life lesson learned.


Cooking relaxes me in a similar way than drawing does. But going further, I think that learning cooking dishes is a perfect way to understand a country's culture, and spending hours cooking is the way I show appreciation to my friends and family.


Whether it is tabletop roleplay or live action roleplay, having adventures with my friends is an amazing way of exploiting my creativity and disconnecting of the routine. In LARP, I also have the chance of crafting my own costume, so it helps me the same way cosplay does.