
Example of a Research Talk in Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction

by Maria Kyrarini on July 12, 2021

After I completed my documents (see post on June 18, 2021), I start applying to tenure-track positions that were related to robotics. One mistake I did was I did not start to make my research talk early enough. So, when I got my first full-day interview, I did not have a research talk yet. Do not do my mistake! Make sure you prepare the research talk while you are applying for positions. One of the hardest parts for me was that I could not find an example of a research talk related to Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). I followed the instructions provided in the book and blog "The Professor Is In" and I asked several academics to give me feedback on my research talk. Make sure you practice your research talk so it feels natural to you.

I would like to share my research talk as an example and I hope it would be helpful when you prepare your research talk!

Here you can find my research talk:

Example of a Tenure-track Assistant Professor Position Application

by Maria Kyrarini on June 18, 2021

Applying for an academic position can be very challenging. The first thing you need to do is to prepare your supportive documents. The application usually requires the following documents: Cover letter, CV, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, Diversity Statement, and References.

Here you can find my documents: