
I work in collaboration with researchers from different countries. My most recent collaborators are at the University of Warsaw, the University of Graz, the Lanzhou Institute of Modern Physics China, and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay .

RGPEP collaborations:

Stanisław D. Głazek (Professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland)

Kamil Serafin (Postdoc at the Lanzhou Inst. Modern Phys., China)

Jai More (Postdoc at the IIT Bombay, India)

Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Professor at the University of Granada, Spain)

DSBSE collaborations:

Andreas Krassnigg (Priv.-Doz. at the University of Graz, Austria)

Thomas Hilger (Postdoc at the TU Dresden, Germany)

Wolfgang Lucha (Professor at HEPHY, Vienna, Austria)

Carina Popovici (Postdoc at the University of Graz in 2014. Currently at fintegral)

Collaborations on other relativistic Hamiltonian approaches to hadronic theory:

Point-form of dynamics: Wolfgang Schweiger (Professor at the University of Graz, Austria)

Coulomb-Gauge QCD: Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)