Vicent Caselles mathematical research award 2024. Award for a pioneering and influential doctoral dissertation in international research in mathematics, given by the Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics and the BBVA Foundation.
SEIO-FBBVA award 2024. Award to the best statistical methodology paper given by the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research and the BBVA Foundation.
Ramiro Melendreras award 2023. Award to the best work presented by a researcher under 30 years old given by the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research.
Awards in conferences
Best talk at I Encuentro IMAG conference, 2024.
Best student talk at IWSM 2022. Award to the best talk given by a student at the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.
Best poster at ADISTA 2022. Award to the best poster presented by a young researcher at the 3rd Advances in Directional Statistics workshop.
Best work at SGAPEIO conference 2021. Award to the best work presented by a young researcher at the XV SGAPEIO conference.
Best talk at I PhDay-EIO 2019. Award to the best talk at the I PhDay-EIO.
Best student poster at IWSM 2019. Award to the best poster presented by a student at the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling.
Teaching awards
Award to the best teaching assistant (2021) in the bachelor degree of Chemical Engineering of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Other recognitions
Selected as member of the inaugural cohort of the Young Academy of the European Mathematical Society (EMYA).
Selected as memer of the committee of the young section of the Royal Mathematical Society of Spain (RSME).