Journal Articles

2018. Unconditional readings and the simple conditional tense in Spanish.(Coauthor A. Arregui). Probus 30, 305-337.

2014. Imperfective variation: the case of Bulgarian.(Coauthor N. Slavkov). Lingua 150, 232-277.

2014. Spanish Inferential and Mirative Futures and Conditionals: An evidential gradable modal proposal. Lingua 151,197-215.

2014. Cross-linguistic variation in Imperfectivity. (Coauthors A. Arregui and A. Salanova). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 32, 307-362.

2010. Variation in circumstantial modality: Polish vs. St’át’imcets. (Coauthors A. Arregui and E. Frąckowiak). Linguistic Inquiry 41,704-714.

2009. Intensionality, High Applicatives, and Aspect: Involuntary State Constructions in Bulgarian and Slovenian. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 27,151-196.

2007. An applicative analysis of double object constructions in Romanian (Coauthor C. R. Diaconescu). Probus 19.2,171-195.

2005. Topics in Bulgarian morphology and syntax: a minimalist perspective. Lingua 115/8, 1083-1128.

2004. Spanish Quirky subjects, person restrictions, and the Person-Case Constraint. Linguistic Inquiry 35, 494-502.

2003. Indefinite Reflexive clitics in Slavic: Polish and Slovenian. (Coauthor M.M. Sheppard). Natural Language and LinguisticTheory 21, 89-155.

2000. Impersonal się in Polish: a Simplex Expression Anaphor. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 8, 199-237.

1995. Imperatives, V-movement, and logical mood. (Coauthor A. Terzi). Journal of Linguistics 31,301-332.

1994. Negation, imperatives, and Wackernagel effects. Rivista di Linguistica 6, 91-118.

1994. On indirect questions, commands, and Spanish quotative que. Linguistic Inquiry 25, 547-554.

1994. Clitic auxiliaries and incorporation in Polish.(Coauthor R.D. Borsley). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 12, 373-422.

1994. Clause structure and V-movement in the languages of the Balkans. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 12, 63-120.

1993. Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian Yes-no questions: V-raising to -li vs. Li-hopping. Linguistic Inquiry 24, 567-575.

1993. Long Head Movement vs V2 and Null Subjects in Old Romance. Lingua 89, 217-245.

1992. Adverb Incorporation and the Syntax of Adverbs in Modern Greek. Linguistics and Philosophy 15, 289-331.

1992. Patterns of V-raising in Long Head Movement and Negation: Serbo-Croatian v. Slovak. International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology XXVII, 365-386.

1991. Long Head Movement and Negation:Serbo-Croatian vs. Slovak and Czech. The Linguistic Review 8, 319-351.

1991. Types of Verbal Movement in Old Spanish: Modals, Futures, and Perfects. (Coauthor J. Lema). Probus 3, 237-278.

1990. The location of Non-Active Voice in Albanian and Modern Greek. Linguistic Inquiry 21,135-146.

1988. La sintaxis de qualquiere y sus variantes en el español antiguo. (The syntax of ‘any, whoever’ and its variants in Old Spanish). Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 36, 47-73.

1986. La tipología de los pronombres átonos en el español medieval y el español actual. (The typology of nontonic pronouns in medieval Spanish and contemporary Spanish). Anuario de Lingüística Hispánica II, 197-220.

1986. Parameters in the typology of clitics in Romance and Old Spanish. Language 62, 774-807.

1986. Sintaxis diacrónica: relativos y pronombres átonos en español. (Diachronic syntax: relative and nontonic pronouns in Spanish). Revista Argentina de Lingüística 2, 343-360.

1986. Dialects and diachronic syntax: free relatives in Old Spanish. Journal of Linguistics 22, 443-454.

1984. Diachronic syntax and learnability: free relatives in 13th century Spanish. Journal of Linguistics 20, 81-129.

1983. Non-matching concealed questions in Catalan and Spanish and the Projection Principle.(Coauthor P. Hirschbühler).The Linguistic Review 2, 331-363.

1983. Remarks on free relatives and matching phenomena. (Coauthor P. Hirschbühler). Linguistic Inquiry 14,505-520.

1982. Las relativas restrictivas con que. (Restrictive relatives with que ‘that’). Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 31,195-234.

1981. Catalan restrictive relatives: core and periphery. (Coauthor P. Hirschbühler). Language 57,591-625.

1980. Theoretical implications of the syntax of left-branch modifiers in Spanish. Linguistic Analysis 6, 407-461.

[Spanish modified version La sintaxis de los modificadores de la ramificación izquierda. Aproximaciones a la sintaxis del español, Puvill, 181-244.1986].

1980. On Left-Dislocation and Topicalization in Spanish. Linguistic Inquiry 11,363-94.

1978. Topicalization and Wh-movement in Spanish. Linguistic Inquiry 9, 513-7.

1978. Un ejemplo de metodología de filosofía analítica en la semántica lingüística: la cortesía y los actos verbales. (A sample of analytic philosophy methodology in linguistic semantics: politeness and speech acts). Revista Española de Lingüística 8, 77-104. [Reprinted in Metodología y Gramática Generativa, SGEL, 113-34.1979].

1977. Specificity and existence: a reply. Language 53, 70-85. [Reprinted as Especificidad y existencia . Indicativo y Subjuntivo. Taurus, 261-279. 1990].

1976. William of Sherwood on composition and division: a linguistic study. Historiographia Linguistica 3,17-36.

1976. Surface structure and the centrality of syntax. (Coauthor D.C. Walker). Theoretical Linguistics 3, 99-124.

1975. La ambigüedad de los verbos modales: una visión histórica. (Ambiguity in modal verbs: a historical view). Revista Española de Lingüística 5, 401-22.

1975. Referential properties of Spanish Noun Phrases. Language 51, 32-48.

1975. Early scholastic views on ambiguity: composition and division. Historiographia Linguistica 2, 25-47.

1974. Modalities and scope in Scholastic logic from a linguistic point of view. Acta Linguistica 15, 133-52 (Copenhagen).

1973. Antecedents of contemporary logical and linguistic analyses in Scholastic logic. Foundations of Language 10,55-64.

1972. Remarks on Operators and Modalities. Foundations of Language 9, 209-41.

1972. La concepción de los modos en la gramática de Andrés Bello y los verbos abstractos en la gramática generativa. (Andrés Bello’s views on mood and abstract verbs in generative grammar). Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada 10, 55-74. (Concepción, Chile).

1971. A note on postposed main phrases. Canadian Journal of Linguistics16,110-112.

1971. Mood and Presupposition in Spanish. Foundations of Language 7, 305-36.

1970. Estudio de una transformación en la gramática generativa del español. (A study of a transformation in generative grammar in Spanish). Español Actual 17,14-22.

1970. A surface structure constraint on negation in Spanish. Language 46, 640-66. [Spanish: Una restricción de la estructura superficial sobre la negación en español. Los fundamentos de la gramática transformacional, Siglo XXI, 91-136. 1971].