"Bounds for the relative class number problem for function fields" with Santiago Arango-Piñeros, Asimina S. Hamakiotes, Kiran S. Kedlaya and Gustavo Rama. Submitted. 2025. [arXiv:2412.12467]
"A family of asymptotically bad wild towers of function fields" with R. Toledano. Submitted. 2024. [arXiv:2501.12154]
"Lifting iso-dual algebraic geometry codes" with L. Quoos, R. Podestá and R. Toledano. Des. Codes Cryptogr., 92:2743--2767, 2024.
"Locally recoverable codes from towers of function fields" with F. Galluccio and E. Martínez-Moro. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2024.
"Minimum Distance and Parameter Ranges of Locally Recoverable Codes with Availability from Fiber Products of Curves" with S. Kottler, B. Malmskog, B. Thompson and M. West. Des. Codes Cryptogr, 91:2077--2105, 2023.
“A note on subtowers and supertowers of recursive towers of function fields” with H. Navarro and R. Toledano. AAECC, 2022.
"On cyclic algebraic-geometry codes" with G. Cabaña, R. Podestá and R. Toledano. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2022.
“The conorm code of an AG-code” with R. Podestá and R. Toledano. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2021.
“Block-transitive algebraic geometry codes attaining the Tsfasman-Vladut-Zink bound” with R. Podestá and R. Toledano. Des. Codes Cryptogr., 88:1227--1253, 2020.
“On evaluation codes coming from a tower of function fields” with L. Quoos Conte and C. Carvalho. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 89:121-128, 2018.
“A problem of Beelen, Garcia and Stichtenoth on an Artin-Schreier tower in characteristic 2” with H. Navarro and R. Toledano. Acta Arithmetica. 182(4):311-330, 2018.
“On cubic Kummer type towers of Garcia, Stichtenoth and Thomas” with R. Toledano. Journal of Number Theory. 160: 666-678, 2016.
“Asymptotically bad towers of function Fields” with R. Toledano. Tokyo Journal of Mathematic. 38(2): 339-352, 2015.
“New examples of asymptotically good Kummer type towers” with R. Toledano. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 14(3):1550028 (12 pages), 2015.
“Rational places in extensions and sequences of function fields of Kummer type” with R. Toledano. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215(11): 2603-2614, 2011.
Estudio Del Comportamiento Asintótico De Torres De Cuerpos De Funciones. PhD in Mathematics Thesis . March 19, 2012. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. (in Spanish)
Curvas elípticas y algoritmos eficientes para factorizar números enteros. Licenciada en Matemática Aplicada Thesis . December 22, 2006. (in Spanish)
"Matemática Discreta" with Malva Alberto, Ingrid Schwer, Yanina Fumero and Pamela Llop. Editorial EdUTecNe, 2011. ISBN 978-987-26665-1-4 (in Spanish)
"Cuerpos finitos y códigos correctores de errores" Short course notes. IX elENA 2019. (in Spanish)