Margo Gustina
I'm a PhD candidate in the University of New Mexico Department of Economics and a Bowden Fellow in the University of Texas at Austin iSchool.
My research agenda is on public libraries as nodes in socio-ecological systems which can facilitate or inhibit adaptive ways of being and doing.
Gustina, M., Guinnee, E., Bonney, R., & Decker, H. (2022). Pathways to Wellbeing: Public LibraryService in Rural Communities. Journal of New Librarianship, 7 (2), 159–189.
Project data & methodology repository:
Anonymized field interview data:
Gustina, M.E., and Norton, M.H. (2022, June 14). “There Are No Lanes: Rural Libraries Do It ALL”. Library Journal.
Guinnee, E.M., Gustina, M.E. (2021). “Role of Rural Libraries in Supporting Social Well-Being in their Communities: participatory research to support social justice”. Chapter in Social Justice Design and Implementation in Library and Information Science (pp. 30-44). Bharat Mehra ed. Routledge.
Gustina, M.E. (2018, April 18). “Critical Optimism: Reimagining Rural Communities through Libraries”. In The Library With The Lead Pipe .
Gustina, M.E. and Guinnee, E.M. (2017, June 8). “Why Social Justice in the Library? The case for shifting library policy, practice, and culture toward radical inclusivity”. Library Journal.
Libraries in Community Systems
What is the value of a library to its community? What is its function within local networks & social-ecological systems?
This collaboration between Northern New York Library Network, four state and four native nation and pueblo governments, and seventeen community libraries is ongoing through 2024.
Rural Libraries & Social Wellbeing
We ask: In what ways are libraries a component of social wellbeing in isolated rural communities? How do they do it?
In this field and quantitative research we learned that libraries facilitate belonging, mutualism, and self-determination, helping residents experience" the good life" on their own terms.