

Pay-as-they-get-in: Attitudes towards Migrants and Pension Systems (with T. Boeri, M. Gamalerio and M. Morelli),  Journal of Economic Geography,  24 (2024),  63-78.
Media coverage: Nada es GratisKnowledge

Not welcome anymore: the effect of electoral incentives on the reception of refugees (with M. Gamalerio), Journal of Economic Geography, 23 (2023),  901-920.
Media coverage: Nada es Gratis

Redistributing income under proportional representation: a correction (with M. Morelli), Journal of Political Economy, 127 (2019), 458-62.

Preferential votes and minority representation in open list proportional representation systems, Social Choice and Welfare, 50 (2018), 281-303.

Size invariant measures of association: characterization and difficulties (with Y. Sprumont), Mathematical Social Sciences, 75 (2015), 115-122.

Work in progress

Condorcet consistency in large elections with boundedly rational voters (with F. Maniquet)