The infected (voiced by experimental musician Mike Patton [commons, Smoker, and Hunter] and voice actor Fred Tatasciore [Boomer and Tank])[15] are the enemies of Left 4 Dead, and comparisons have been made with 'zombies' from certain modern films, such as Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, and Quarantine.[16][17] An important distinction from the former is that the infected are, as cited in the game's manual, living humans infected with a rabies-like pathogen; more similar to the latter two films, rather than undead zombies. While they are never seen eating humans, bite wounds and mutilation are often mentioned. In an interview with, designer Mike Booth commented on the concept of using a pathogen as an inspiration for the .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 32px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}

Valve has termed this dynamic set-up "procedural narrative".[19] In addition to the AI Director, there is a second Director that controls music. It was created as a way to keep the soundtrack interesting throughout the game. The music Director monitors what a player has experienced to create an appropriate mix. The process is client-side and done by a multi-track system. Each player hears their own mix, which is being generated as they play through the game; dead spectators will hear their teammates' mix.[20]

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To understand what this simple phrase means first think of the literal meaning, that the person was abandoned because it was assumed that they were already dead, mortally wounded or that it was inevitable that they die.

All three of OP's suggested interpretations of left for dead may be valid, according to context, although the third would more likely be phrased as left to die. In the real world I think it makes little difference which meaning one assumes.

Lt. Mora completes his rebellion and sets off the alarm, unaware that the Infected are attracted to sound, which causes a massive horde to bear down on the facility and overwhelm the unprepared soldiers. After a Wandering Witch passes through the hallway where Jeff and Annie are guarding Louis and Francis, the two decide to release them due to their knowledge on the Special Infected, and lead them into an armory to resupply. Bill also had the same idea, and find the four inside the armory. They learn from Jeff and Annie that there is a train depot on the other side leading out of the base, and the Survivors decide to use it as their means of getting out. They arrive at a depot after killing a Tank, where Jeff and Annie voluntarily leave the group, unwilling to become infected as they themselves do not know if they are Carriers or not, opting to fight the horde at a choke point despite being informed it is certain death. The doctor remains with the group, but he struggles to catch up with the train just as a smaller horde arrives to attack, and is left for dead as Bill refuses to compromise the group's safety for someone they barely knew, much to Zoey's anger.

The 200th issue of Game Informer Magazine ranked Left 4 Dead as #82 in the top 200 games of all time. This is what they had to say:"Zombies have appeared in video games in many forms, but nobody ever nailed the full-on zombie apocalypse until Valve's Left 4 Dead. The intense four-player online co-op experience utilized a dynamic 'AI Director' to adjust the undead onslaught according to player performance. Toss in memorable characters, an intriguingly sparse plot, and an online versus mode, and you had the penultimate test of mettle for any zombie-crusader worth their salt."

Naturally, community reaction to such sterling support for a game that came out in 2009 has been to demand Left 4 Dead 3. Which, y'know, I'm down but seems as likely as any Valve game with a '3' in the title (the company's last statement was a few years ago and boiled-down to "absolutely not"). Others are just celebrating Fred. The best of all though are those fans piling in on a game they all love and still play, the ultimate zombie shooter, and saying with perfect irony: dead game.

In fact, they were so successful that the locals thought that Paul and Barnabas were gods, and began to worship them. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes and vehemently tried to tell the people that they were human, just like them. To make matters worse, the Jews came and influenced the crowd to turn against Paul and Barnabas. It got so ugly that they stoned Paul and left him for dead. The other disciples gathered around Paul and wondered if Paul was dead. He wasn't. The Bible says that he got up and went into the city.

In Part 2 (The Crane), jump on the fence by climbing onto the vent cover. Head across the fence and jump to the other side of the horizontal fence. Turn left, and head to the end, jumping up and to the right to the AC unit / box on the corner of the next building, allowing you to bypass the crescendo event. On the next building, go to the left corner and jump into the highest branch of the tree below. You may lose up to 80% of your health, so heal up before you leap. This leaves you right at the next safe room.

Left airpod is dead. There is no sound coming out of it, I can only get sound out of the right one. Airpod battery status does not display on iPhone 8. I can see the status on the iMac. Says left has 0%, right has 100%. Case is fully charged.

Sherpas pronounced Lincoln Hall, 50, dead at sunset on Thursday after he had shown no signs of life for two hours. The five-strong team then left him behind at 8,800 metres, forced to continue down the mountain before their own oxygen supplies ran out.

The incident comes in one of the deadliest Everest climbing seasons. At least 10 people have died on the mountain since the season began earlier this month, a record surpassed only in 1996 when the mountain claimed 12 lives.

Sir Edmund Hillary, who, with Tensing Norgay, was the first person to climb Everest in 1953, said last week his team "would never have left a man under a rock" to die like Mr Sharp. "He was a human being, and we would regard it as our duty to get him back to safety," he said. Mr Hall's expedition had experienced tragedy before he was abandoned on Thursday night. His partner Thomas Weber, who had failed to reach the summit, collapsed and died seven hours earlier at 8,700 metres.

At least 10 people have died on Everest this year, but Lincoln Hall is not the only climber to have returned after being given up for dead. A climber who found American Beck Weathers half-buried in the snow 8,200 metres up Everest in 1996 assumed he was dead, but after 14 hours Weathers walked back to camp. In 2003, Carlos Pauner disappeared while descending Kangchenjunga towards a 7,600-metre camp. Two days later he phoned his family to say he was near base camp. In 1985 British climber Joe Simpson survived three days on the 6,400-metre Siula Grande in Peru, and wrote about it in the book Touching the Void.

They arrive at the creek and discover the body of a man lying dead in the creek. The man's name is Corey, and he has the same knife wounds as Erik, the body Lassiter mentioned earlier. From this, Lassiter determines that the attacker tried to do the same thing to the woman the night before, but she managed to escape. Just then, Shawn gets a call from the hospital saying the woman is now conscious and awake.

Back at the hospital, they learn the woman's name is Elin, she is in fact Swedish and is able to speak in broken English. She tells them that she and her boyfriend Corey were attacked by a man in a black mask. Lassiter then shows Elin a picture of Corey dead in the creek. Shocked and hysterical, Elin confirms that is him. Lassiter shows her a picture of Erik, a man whom he believes was attacked by the same person with the same knife. Elin knows the man in the picture and tells our guys that he was her friend Erik. She then tells them she thinks the killer is Anders, her insanely jealous ex-boyfriend back in Sweden. She explains he got very violent with her after she broke it off; Anders was the reason she had to flee Sweden. She would have feared for her life every day if she were to stay. Elin tells our guys that she's scared Anders has found her and is somewhere in town waiting to make his next move.

Armed with this info, Shawn and Gus show a police sketch of Anders to the bartender at a local Swedish expatriate bar, asking him if he knows of his whereabouts. The bartender recognizes Anders and thinks he's living with one of his regulars, a guy named Torsten. Shawn and Gus grab Lassiter and Juliet, and all four rush to Torsten's apartment. They enter, guns drawn, and find Torsten there dead.

Shawn is shocked to discover that the GPS on Mary's phone has led him to Anders' dead body. Shawn is then slashed with a knife by a person wearing a black mask. Even though Shawn can't see his attacker's face, he knows that the attacker is in fact Elin because of her distinct shoes - the Kjellens; the same shoes Shawn was admiring earlier in the hospital. Elin gets away and Shawn starts to put it all together.

The next day Shawn and Juliet gift Lassiter a small basset hound pup, naming it "Lassie Jr." He is upset, but never the less follows them into the coroner's office. There, Woody shows them a dead body of a woman named "Elin". After taking a closer look at the woman's injuries, Juliet suggests that the Bowie knife wounds on her body are similar to the knife wounds that killed a man named Erik Palma recently.

Back at the SBPD, Shawn tells Vick, Lassiter and Juliet that Elin is the killer and that they need to put an APB out on her right away. Shawn and Gus check out the case file on Elin. They realize that Elin's mother moved to Santa Barbara after Elin's real father left her, but she was killed in a car accident that was ruled a suicide. Shawn sees that the location of Elin's mother's death is the same location that Elin left Anders' body. 589ccfa754

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