Teaching experience at Lund University.
Teaching Assistant
Microeconomic Theory with Applications (BSc level) - TA (SS23 FS23)
Math labs - open sessions where students could ask questions
Office hours
Macroeconomic Theory and Economic Policy (BSc level) - TA (SS23 FS23 SS24)
Math labs - open sessions where students could ask questions
Office hours
Computer labs
Exercise sessions
International Economics (BSc level) - TA (FS22 SS23 FS23 SS24)
Math labs - open sessions where students could ask questions
Computer labs
Translation of exercise problems from Swedish to English
Development of new exercises
Development of home assignment
The market - prices, consumers, and firms (Distance course) - TA (FS23 SS24)
Assistant Course Coordinator
Inflation, interest rate, and unemployment (Distance course) - TA (FS23 SS24)
Assistant Course Coordinator