MI Utrecht PhD seminar

The PhD seminar is organized by Mireia, Yann and myself as a chance to explain your own (PhD) research interests to your fellow PhD colleagues at the Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University. The rules are: keep it simple and have fun!

We meet roughly once a month, and the day varies depending on the speaker's preferences. If you wish to contribute with a talk, feel free to contact one of the organizers.

Coming sessions

Past sessions

17.30:  What is... Enumerative Geometry?, Sergej Monavari.

COVID break :(

16.00: Concrete abstract computability theory, Jetze Zoethout. 

17.00: The tangent space of the moduli space of sheaves, Dirk van Bree.

15.00: Introduction confidential advisor PhD's GSNS, Freek Apples

15.10: Workshop on Git-Hub and Gemini UU,  Stefano Marseglia and Leandro Chiarini Medeiros.

15.30: When might you use homotopy theory?, Jack Davies. 

16.30: End of the academic year meet-up: BBQ + canoeing. 

17.15: The first negative Fourier coefficient of an Eisenstein series newform,  Sebastián Carrillo Santana.

18.15: Pizza Meeting

18.00: Translation surfaces and their Veech groups: a glimpse at two algorithms, Slade Sanderson.

18.45: Constructing Markov Function Families from Bowen - Series Functions, Ayse Yiltekin.

17.00: The homotopy groups of spheres, Max Blans.