Marco Viola, PhD

Something about myself

I was born in 1991 in Caserta (Italy), a medium-sized town in southern Italy mainly known for the "Reggia", a royal palace built in the 18th century by the kings of Naples. The palace and its wonderful park are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I'm in love with mathematics since I was a little kid, and after many years of study my love is apparently still strong.
I am currently an Assistant Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics at the School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University College Dublin.

Research interests: My current research is mainly focused on the development of nonlinear optimization methods with applications to the solution of problems arising in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Image Processing. My PhD thesis dealt with accelerated gradient projection methods for the solution of quadratic programming problems.

Latest news: Starting from September 2024 I will join the School of Mathematical Sciences at the Dublin City University (DCU) as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics.

Short bio:

E-mail: marco [dot] viola [at] ucd [dot] ie