

Antonio Acconcia, Sergio Beraldo, Carlo Capuano, Stimolo M (2023). Public Subsidies and Cooperation in Research and Development. Evidence from the LAB. The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. doi: 10.1515/bejeap-2022-0138

Stimolo, M., Beraldo, S., Capasso, S., & Filoso, V. (2022).  Consciously Uncertain: A Bayesian Analysis of Preferences Formation. Games, 13(1), 14.

Baraldi, A. L., Immordino, G., & Stimolo, M. (2022).  Mafia wears out women in power: Evidence from italian municipalities. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 193, 213-236.

Baraldi, A. L., Immordino, G., & Stimolo, M. (2022). Self-selecting candidates or compelling voters: How organized crime affects political selection. European Journal of Political Economy, 71, 102-133.

D'Amato, M., O'Higgins, N., & Stimolo, M. (2021).  On inequality, growth and trust: some evidence from the lab. Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(4), 621-636.

Beraldo, S., Filoso, V., Stimolo, M. (2019), Much Ado About Extreme: An experimental test of the shaping effect of prices on preferences. Metroeconomica, 70(1), 119-143.

Stimolo, M. (2016). An economic agent in my brain? A critical analysis of multiple-self models in neuroeconomics. Review of Social Economy, 74(4), 329-348.

Beraldo, S., Colombatto, E., Filoso, V., & Stimolo, M. (2015). Growth in one (short) lesson. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice: Rivista quadrimestrale in lingua inglese sull'economia delle scelte pubbliche, 31(1-2013), 9.

Stimolo, M. (2012). Individual autonomy in evolutionary game theory: defending Sugden against Ross’s accusation of eliminativism. International Review of Economics, 59(1), 67-80. 

Working papers

Baraldi A.L., Papagni E., Stimolo M. (2023). Neutralizing the Tentacles of Organised Crime. An Assessment of an Anti-Crime Measure in Fighting Mafia’s Use of Violence. NOTE DI LAVORO DELLA FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI, ISSN: 2037-1209. Under Review.

Conte, A., Sbriglia, P., Stimolo, M. (2023). Organised Crime Violence Makes You Lie Hastily. Evidence from an on-line experiment. SSRN.

O’Higgins, S. N., Stimolo, M. (2019). Trust and reciprocity in youth labor markets: An experimental approach to analyzing the impact of labour market experiences on young people. (No. 2019/24). LEM Working Paper Series. ISSN(ONLINE) 2284-0400.

Work in progress

Baraldi A.L., Immordino G., Papagni E., Stimolo M. (2023). Gender balance policies and violence against politicians: An unintended consequence.

Guerra, A., Parisi, F., Stimolo, M., Stringhi, A., (2022). Income Mobility, Inequality and Trust. Experimental evidence.

Aria, M., Baraldi, A. L., Immordino, G., Marino, I., Stimolo, M. (2022). Predicting Mafia Infiltration in Local Politics with a Machine Learning Approach.