
 Published papers

Morone, A., Santorsola, M., & Tiranzoni, P. (2022). Deal or No Deal: comparing individual and group choices in a risky context. Journal of Economic Studies

Santorsola, M., Caferra, R., & Morone, A. (2022). The financial repercussions of military escalation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 603, 127791.

 Working papers

The role of risk and trust attitudes in explaining individual energy affordability perception: Evidence from Europe (with Andrea Morone, Alessia Casamassima and Lea Nicita)

Decision making under risk and uncertainty (with John Hey, Andrea Morone, Rocco Caferra)

Attitudes to gambling and organ donation in Gen Z (with Raffaele Lagravinese and Andrea Morone)


ESA Special Meeting (2022)

Referee experience

Quality and Quantity

Journal of Cleaner Production