Marco idiart

Contact Information

Prof. Marco A. P. Idiart

Institute of Physics  

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500

Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

CEP 91501-970

Fax: (+55) 51 3308 6437

Email: marco <dot> idiart at  ufrgs <dot> br

Short Biography

I am a Professor of Physics at the Institute of Physics, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In 2014/2015 I was a Visiting Scholar at the Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). In 2011-2012 I was a Visiting Scholar at Brandeis University (USA), where I also worked as a Senior Researcher in 1992-1995.
I received my PhD in Statistical Physics from the Institute of Physics, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. My main research interests are in Computational Neuroscience, particularly in neural network models for memory and spatial localization in the hyppocampus and I have also worked in models for the olfactory system. Recently I have been interested in developing statistical and distributional models for language. 

I am the leader of the Neurocomputational and Language Processing Laboratory at UFRGS.

I am also one of the creators of the science podcast Fronteiras da Ciência (available in Portuguese).

I'm also one of the producers and co-hosts of the Frontiers of Science podcast. In the podcast, which we started in 2010, we discuss topics related to science, pseudoscience and more with our guests.  Here are a few highlights (in Portuguese):

Recent Projects and Activities

Selected Publications














2010 and before

Current and Former Students