Publication List

RIMA reports and Supporting documents are available here 

This is otherwise the list of papers i authored or co-authored


1.              d’Errico, M., Romano, D., Winters, P., (2024), Assessing Uganda’s Progressive Refugee Policy in the Era of COVID-19: Introduction to the Special Issue on Refugees in Uganda with the Journal of Development Studies

2.              Oliver, L., d’Errico, M., Winters, P., (2024). Economic Integration between Refugee Settlements and Host Communities – Accepted Paper for a Special Issue on Refugees in Uganda with the Journal of Development Studies

3.              d’Errico, M., Jumbe, E., Oliver, L., Pietrelli, R., Staffieri, I., Winters, P., (2024) Transfers as a means to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on food security: Evidence from refugee and host communities Uganda – Accepted Paper for a Special Issue on Refugees in Uganda with the Journal of Development Studies

4.              d’Errico M., Pinay J., Jumbe, E., Luu Anh Hong, (2023) Drivers and Stressors of resilience to food insecurity. Food Sec. (2023).

5.             d’Errico, M., Groppo, P., De Gaetano M., Maruf, MD, (2023), Measuring Credibility and Trust: The Key Elements in Humanitarian-Development Peace Nexus (HDPN) Operations. African Journal of Economic Review. Vol 11 No 5.

6.              d’Errico M., Atozou, B., Ulimwengu, J., (2023) Investing in resilience through integrated assistance. Evidence from North Kivu Region, DRC. Under second review with an academic journal.

7.              Malik, A., d’Errico, M., Jada, W., Gichane, B., Kamau, D., Rhim, A. 2023, Resilience Structural Changes in response to shocks in Somalia. Paper for a Special Issue on Somalia, Edited by Maximo Torero and John Hoddinott. Journal of Development Studies

8.              d’Errico, M., Davis, B., De La O Campos, A.P., Pinay, J., 2023. Building resilience in Somalia: impact evaluation in a humanitarian context. Paper for a Special Issue on Somalia, Edited by Maximo Torero and John Hoddinott. Journal of Development Studies

9.             Brück, T., d’Errico, M., Stojetz, W., Pinnay, J., 2023. Building Resilience in Conflict Areas: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Borno State in North-east Nigeria. Under review for an academic journal.

10.            von Uexkull, Nina; Marco d'Errico & Loy, A., 2023 Climate, flood, and attitudes toward violence: micro-level evidence from Karamoja, Uganda Reg Environ Change 23, 57 (2023).

11.            Taylor, E., d’Errico, M., Jumbe, E., 2023. Local Multiplier Effect of economic integration between host and refugees communities in Uganda. Under review for an academic journal.

12.            Moradian S. Z., d’Errico, M., Kakhki, M.D., Sabouni, M. S., 2023, Evaluation of household resilience capacity index to food insecurity. Case study: Hosein Abad Rekhneh Gol village – Iran. DOI: 10.30682/nm2301h New Medit.

13.            Constas, M.A., d’Errico, M. and Pietrelli, R., 2022. Toward Core Indicators for Resilience Analysis: A framework to promote harmonized metrics and empirical coherence. Global Food Security, 35, p.100655.

14.            Boudt, K., d’Errico, M., Luu, H.A. and Pietrelli, R., 2022. Interpretability of Composite Indicators Based on Principal Components. Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2022.

15.            d’Errico, M. and Båsund, K.L., 2022. Subjective and objective measures of household resilience capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. African Journal of Economic Review, 10(5), pp.1-25.

16.            Sibrian, R., d’Errico, M., Palma de Fulladolsa, P. and Benedetti-Michelangeli, F., 2021. Household Resilience to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Central America and the Caribbean. Sustainability, 13(16), p.9086.

17.            D’Errico, M., Bori, A., and de la O Campos, A. P.. 2021. "Resilience and Conflict: Evidence from Mali" Sustainability 13, no. 18: 10444.

18.            Zecca F., d’Errico M., 2020, Impact of Land grab on food and water security: the Ethiopian Case. Rivista Agraria.

19.            Bori A., d’Errico M., de la O Campos, AP, (2021) Resilience and Conflict: Evidence from Mali Sustainability 13 (18), 10444.

20.            d’Errico M., Mariani R.D., Pietrelli R. & Rosati F.C. 2020. Refugee-host proximity and market creation in Uganda. Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 58(2), pages 213-233.

21.            d’Errico, M., Ngesa, O., Pietrelli, R., (2021) Assistance in chronic conflict areas: evidence from South Sudan, Journal of Development Effectiveness, 13:2, 145-165, DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2021.1924835. ESA Working Paper 2020-01.

22.            Malik A., d’Errico M., Gichane B., Omolo D., Building Resilience in Somalia; evidence from impact evaluation. Journal of Development Effectiveness Volume 12, 2020 - Issue 4. Page 323-340

23.            von Uexkull, Nina; Marco d'Errico & Julius Jackson (2020) Drought, Resilience, and Support for Violence: Household Survey Evidence from DR CongoJournal of Conflict Resolution. DOI: 10.1177/0022002720923400.

24.            M d’Errico, A Garbero, M Letta, P Winters (2020) Evaluating Program Impact on Resilience: Evidence from Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme The Journal of Development Studies, 1-23

25.            Dassese K., d’Errico M., Pietrelli R., (2020) Food security of refugees and host communities in North Uganda: the enumerator effect. Development Policy Review -

26.            D’errico, M., De Los Rios, C., & Serfilippi, E. (2022). Coffee in crisis offers a lesson in resilience: Evidence from Guatemala. Latin American Economic Review, 31, 1–22.

27.            Jones L., d’Errico M., Whose resilience matters? Like-for-like comparison of objective and subjective ways of evaluating resilience, World Development, V 124, 2019. 

28.            d’Errico M., Letta M., Montalbano P., Pietrelli R., (2019) “Resilience Thresholds to Temperature Shocks in Rural Tanzania: a Long-run Assessment”. Ecological Economics, V 164,

29.            d’Errico M., Romano D., Pietrelli R., (2018) “Household resilience to food insecurity evidence from Tanzania and UgandaFood Security Journal. (2018).,

30.            Brück and D’Errico, (2018) Food Security, Resilience and Conflict, Editors for a World Development journal Special Issue.

31.            Brück T., d’Errico M., Pietrelli R., The effect of conflict on household resilience in Gaza Strip, in ed Brück and D’Errico, World Development (2018) .

32.            d’Errico M., Di Giuseppe S., (2018) Resilience mobility in Uganda: A dynamic analysis, World Development Volume 104, (April 2018)

33.            d’Errico M., Grazioli F., Pietrelli R. (2017), “Cross-country evidence of the relationship between resilience and the subjective perception of well-being and social inclusion: Evidence from the regions of Matam (Senegal) and the Triangle of Hope (Mauritania)”,  Journal of International Development,

34.            d’Errico M, Pietrelli R, (2017) Resilience and Child Malnutrition in Mali, Food Security 9:355

35.            Bousquet, F., A. Botta, L. Alinovi, O. Barreteau, D. Bossio, K. Brown, P. Caron, M. D'Errico, F. DeClerck, H. Dessard, E. Enfors Kautsky, C. Fabricius, C. Folke, L. Fortmann, B. Hubert, D. Magda, R. Mathevet, R. B. Norgaard, A. Quinlan and C. Staver. 2016. Resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation. Ecology and Society 21 (3):40. [online] URL:

36.            d’Errico M, Azzarri C., Molini V., Alfani F., “Poverty in Mozambique: new evidence from last recent household surveys”. Policy Research Working Paper Series 6217, The World Bank.

37.            Donato Romano, Marco d’Errico (2015) “La resilienza all'insicurezza alimentare”, Agriregionieuropa #40. Available at

38.            d’Errico M., Alinovi L., Romano D., Mane E. “Livelihoods Strategies and Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: An Empirical Analysis to Kenya”, European Report on Development, European University Institute, March 2010


OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Working Papers, Reports)


1.              Groppo, P., d’Errico, M., De Gaetano M., Park, C., 2023, Index of Domestic Equality. Under review.

2.              Mariani, R.D., Rosati, F. C., Scaramozzino, P., and d’Errico, M., Gains from Variety: Refugee-Host Interactions in Uganda (February 23, 2023). CEIS Working Paper No. 553, Available at SSRN: or

3.              Haile, B., Azzarri, C., Boukaka, S.A. and d’Errico, M., 2022. Does sustainable intensification improve resilience to drought? Evidence from Malawi.

4.              Hoddinott, J., Constas, M.A., Pietrelli, R., d’Errico, M., Resilient food systemsA proposed analytical strategy for empirical applications. Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-10. Rome, FAO.

5.              Ulimwengu, J., d’Errico, M., Constas, M., 2022. Modelling Cost-Effectiveness of Resilience Building in Development: Estimating the Effects of Resilience Investments on Food Security Outcomes. Under Review

6.              d’Errico, Marco and Ngesa, Oscar and Omolo, Danvers, Enhancing resilience in fragile context: evidence from a randomized experiment in South Sudan (August 16, 2022). Available at SSRN: 

7.              d’Errico, M., Jumbe, E., Constas, M., 2021, The Measurement of Resilience Capacities Through the Integration of Macrolevel and Microlevel Indicators, Annual Trend Outlook Report : Building Resilient African Food Systems After COVID-19: Synopsis – RESAKSS

8.              Paolantonio, A., Morris, M., Scandizzo, P. L., Savastano, S., Alfani, F., Zezza, A., Guo, Z., and D'Errico, M., Vulnerability in Drylands Today (December 23, 2018). Confronting Drought in Africa's Drylands: Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience, THE WORLD BANK, Available at SSRN:

9.               d’Errico M., Grazioli F., Mellin A., (2017) The effects of Tuareg Rebellion and Al Qaeda eruption on food security and resilience in Mali. ESA Working Paper 17-04

10.            d’Errico M., Smith L., Comparison of FAO and TANGO measures of household resilience and resilience capacity. Available at

11.            Koolwal G., d’Errico M., (2019) Paving  the way toward a gender analysis of resilience, ESA Working Paper 19-01, available at

12.            FAO 2009-to date: RIMA analyses, reports, policy briefs, and visualization tools.

13.            d’Errico M., Garbero A., Constas M., “Quantitative analyses for resilience measurement” (2016), FSIN Technical Series No 7, available at

14.            d’Errico Marco, DiGiuseppe Stefania, Kozlowska Karolina “Resilience analysis for Senegal”, October 2014

15.            Kozlowska Karolina, d’Errico Marco, DiGiuseppe Stefania “A dynamic Resilience analysis with Pseudo-Panel Data – case study Burkina Faso”, December 2014

16.            Semplici Greta, d’Errico Marco “Baseline report for the Impact Evaluation of Building Resilience in Somalia, a joint programme for UNICEF WFP and FAO” October 2013

17.            Kozlowska Karolina, d’Errico Marco, Baseline report for the Impact Evaluation of Sustainable Food Security Through Community-Based Livelihood development and Water Harvesting - South Sudan study” October 2013.

18.            d’Errico Marco, Lee Angie, Riedly Eugenie, A mixed method approach to measuring resilience in Somalia, paper presented at the Montpellier Conference 2014.

19.            Maxwell Daniel, d’Errico Marco, Kozlowska Karolina, “Baseline report of SLRC Livelihoods and Perceptions South Sudan study” for the Secure Livelihood Research Consortium, funded by DFID UK. October 2013.

20.            d’Errico M, “Multidimensional Poverty Index; an evidence based critique to Multidimensional Poverty Index”.

21.            d’Errico M, Uregia N., Mane E. “Sudan Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: Report based on the 2009 National Baseline Household Survey”. 2012

22.            d’Errico M, “Micro Financing Project in South Kordofan, Republic of Sudan; Evidence from baseline findings”. 2011

23.            d’Errico M and IAPADRE Lelio, “Trade within Commercial Agreement Areas: A Network Analysis application”. 2012.

24.            d’Errico M. “On multi-dimensional poverty measures. A review of the principal contributions”, December 2010.

25.            d’Errico M, “EUROMED, toward a free trade area creation”, December 2008.

26.            d’Errico M and Melindi Ghidi P., “Population Aging and the Nursing Flow: an OLG model analysis”. March 2008.

27.            d’Errico M “Toward the eastward European Union enlargement: an empirical analysis of trade flows”. Graduation Thesis. 2003