
Selected articles

Book chapters and proceedings

On Zero-One and Convergence Laws for Graphs Embeddable on a Fixed Surface (with A. Atserias and S. Kreutzer), in Proceedings of ICALP 2018PDF

Graphs, in Handbook of enumerative combinatorics, CRC Press  (2015) PDF

Random planar graphs and beyond, in Proceedings of ICM 2014, Seoul (2014) PDF

Counting planar graphs and related families of graphs (with O. Giménez), in Surveys in combinatorics 2009, Cambridge Univ. Press (2009)  PDF

Random planar graphs and the number of planar graphs. In Combinatorics, Complexity, and Chance: A Tribute to Dominic Welsh, Cambridge Univ. Press (2009)

Analytic combinatorics of chord diagrams (with P. Flajolet), In Proc. Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics  Springer (2000)  PDF

Dissemination articles 

Perspectives in combinatorics (with Oriol Serra, in Spanish), Bulletin of the Spanish Mathematical Society  19 (2016)  PDF 

 The great theorem of modern combinatorics (in Catalan), Bulletin of the Catalan Mathematical Society 26 (2011)  PDF