Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.

I am currently Director of the Institute of Mathematics at UPC.

My research is in combinatorics and graph theory, focusing on asymptotic enumeration, random discrete structures, and connections with logic. I am a member of the UPC research group GAPCOMB on Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics. Together with the ALBCOM research group in Computer Science we organize a joint seminar on Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science. 

Editor-in-chief of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2014-2021). Editor of the Bulletin of the Catalan Mathematical Society (since 2011), and of Annals of Combinatorics (since 2019).

Short CV. Contact: Edifici Omega Office 436 (4th floor), Jordi Girona 3, 08034 Barcelona +34934137709   name.surname 'at' 

Biosketch. Professor at UPC since 2003. Humboldt Research Award (2012). Von Neumann visiting professor at TU Munich (2012-2013).  Invited speaker at ICM Seoul (2014).  Director of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) 2015-2018 and PI of the Excellence Grant BGSMath/María de Maeztu 2015-2019.  Medal Narcís Monturiol from the Government of Catalonia (2018). Director of the Institute of Mathematics at UPC (since 2020). PI of the MSCA-RISE grant RandNET (2021-2024).

