Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.
I am currently Director of the Institute of Mathematics at UPC.
My research is in combinatorics and graph theory, focusing on asymptotic enumeration, random discrete structures, and connections with logic. I am a member of the UPC research group GAPCOMB on Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics. Together with the ALBCOM research group in Computer Science we organize a joint seminar on Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science.
Editor-in-chief of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2014-2021). Editor of the Bulletin of the Catalan Mathematical Society (since 2011), and of Annals of Combinatorics (since 2019).
Short CV. Contact: Edifici Omega Office 436 (4th floor), Jordi Girona 3, 08034 Barcelona +34934137709 name.surname 'at'
Biosketch. Professor at UPC since 2003. Humboldt Research Award (2012). Von Neumann visiting professor at TU Munich (2012-2013). Invited speaker at ICM Seoul (2014). Director of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) 2015-2018 and PI of the Excellence Grant BGSMath/María de Maeztu 2015-2019. Medal Narcís Monturiol from the Government of Catalonia (2018). Director of the Institute of Mathematics at UPC (since 2020). PI of the MSCA-RISE grant RandNET (2021-2024).
Created the Spanish network in Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics
The excellence grant María de Maeztu from the Spanish ministry of Science and Innovation has been awarded to a joint proposal by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. The grant is for 4 years and comes with 2.000.000 euros funding, which will be devoted mostly to PhD and postdoc positions. The principal investigators are IMTech members Marcel Guardia and Eva Miranda.
The grant Randomness and learning in networks (RandNET) under the MSCA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange program has started on January 1st, 2021. It is coordinated by UPC (PI Marc Noy). RandNET brings together leading researchers in combinatorics, probability theory, computer science and statistics with the aim of blending approaches from these areas in the rigorous mathematical foundations for analysing random networks. The consortium is formed by: UPC, U. Oxford, É. Polytechnique, U. Paris-Cité, TU Vienna, TU Eindhoven, U. Pompeu Fabra, Charles U. Prague, NOKIA/Bell Labs France, Georgia Tech., U. Chile, IMPA Rio de Janeiro, UC San Diego and McGill U.
The Institute of Mathematics (IMTech) at UPC has been launched on October 202o. It gathers prominent researchers in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Engineering. IMTech aims at enhancing high-quality research, interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge and technology transfer, international talent attraction, and increasing fundraising.
The first meeting of the RandNET grant (workshop on Random Graphs) took place 22-30 August in Eindhoven. The second meeting (workshop on Graph Limits and Networks) took place in Prague 13-16 September 2023 and the third meeting in Rio de Janeiro in August 2024. The last meeting is scheduled for September 2025 in Vienna.
On 4-6 July 2022 took place the 3rd edition of Discrete Mathematics Days in Santander. The previous editions were held in Sevilla in 2018 and in Barcelona in 2016, inheriting the tradition of the Spanish Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA). The programme featured plenary talks by Marthe Bonamy, Janos Pach, Guillem Perarnau and Pascal Schweitzer. The 4rd edition took place in 3-5 July 2024 in Alcalá de Henares (near Madrid), featuring Julia Böttcher, ,Irit Dinur,, Arnau Padrol and Alex Scott,as plenary speakers. The 2026 edition will take place in Granada.