Marc Leandri

Health and Environmental Economist

I am an Associate Professor (MCF HDR) in Economics at UMI SOURCE, in the Social Science Faculty of UVSQ-Université Paris Saclay.      

I am an appointed expert for the ANSES Risk Agency.          

In 2022-23, I was a Visiting Researcher at EconomiX-Université Paris Nanterre thanks to a CNRS grant (Délégation). 

I have been Head of the Department of Economics at UVSQ-Université Paris Saclay over the 2016-2020 period. 



47 Bd Vauban 

78047 Guyancourt France

marc.leandri at


My research deploys both theoretical and empirical economic tools to address sustainability within a broad interdisciplinary framework, simultaneously tackling environmental and health issues, notably through the One Health approach.

News ! 

July, 3rd, 2024: presentation at the EuHEA conference in Vienna: Risk perceptions and self-protection: an economic perspective on the Health Belief Model.

July, 2d, 2024: opening of the online forum One Health Economics: all contributions welcome!

May, 30th, 2024: publication in Frontiers in Public Health of the paper "One Health Economics: why and how economics should take on the interdisciplinary challenges of a promising public health paradigm", co-written with Laurent Dalmas, available in open-access.

March, 15th, 2024: pre-publication in Health Economics of the paper "Optimal self‑protection and health risk perceptions: exploring connections between risk theory and the Health Belief Model", co-written with Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron, available in open-access.

March, 11th, 2024: appointed Socio-Economic Expert for the ANSES "Vectors" task force.

February, 13th, 2024: appointed member of the Collège des Économistes de la Santé (French Health Economics Learned Society).

December 6th, 2023: presentation for the EUGLOH Alliance Lecture Series on Planetary Health on One Health Economics with Laurent Dalmas (UMI SOURCE).

September 8th, 2023: presentation at the "Journées Tiques et Maladies à Tiques" in Strasbourg: Risk perceptions and self-protection against tick-borne diseases: Evidence from French forest users.

September 5th, 2023:  presentation at the FAERE conference in Montpellier: Optimal self-protection against Ecosystem Disservices: the case of Lyme disease and forest recreational activities.

My research in Environmental Economics originally addressed optimal pollution control through theoretical modelling, with a focus on the dynamics of the natural assimilative capacity of the environment. (for instance the absorption of nitrates in riparian ecosystems and of CO2 in the oceans).

Credit: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Texas 

Credit: NASA image library 

I am currently working at the nexus Health-Environnement on the valuation and the prevention of vector-borne diseases from a risk theory perspective.  

From both a theoretical and an empirical perspective my co-authors and I study how risk perceptions impact self-protection behaviour against a health risk. 

In our applied approach we focus on recreational forest users in France and tick-borne disease risk  (presentation of the survey in a press interview).

Credit: Shutterstock

I collaborate with colleagues from other disciplines (medecine, microbiology, ecology, virology) on the economic burden and on the prevention policies against tick-borne diseases (Lyme borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis), in particular in an Expert Task Force for ANSES, the French public risk valuation agency. I am also a member of the ANSES Socio-Economic Expert Council.