
Lectures held at events


  • Technology in Education - Ctrl + Play

The use of modern technologies have been incorporated into the classroom over the years. However, it is necessary to discuss HOW they are being used and WHAT they can add DIFFERENT in class. No use adding computers, digital slates, etc. to make more of it! In this lecture are presented the real contributions that technology can offer teachers, students, responsible and interested in education.


  • Google tools for before, during and after school - IFSP

Everything you need to know to make the most of several free, high quality, online software developed by Google. No matter the size of your school or class. Google offers easy-to-use tools to engage students anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Learn to do even better what you already do very well!


  • 40 Careers in Computing - Unicamp

Adaptation of a presentation by Professor Jacques Sauvé (UFCG) for incoming students. It presents the activities that can be carried out by qualified professionals in the area of ​​Computing.

  • Guide to the Backpacker of the postgraduate - See you soon, graduation, and thank you for the fish - Computer Week - Unicamp

Information about the Graduate Institute of Computing is disclosed that is not known by many undergraduate students. Among several other topics, the following are discussed: what is and what is POSCOMP, what to do to participate in the selection process and how to prepare for the post during graduation (PIF, master's degree exemption criteria, English proficiency ).


  • Report of Experiences in Graduation - "Week of the Beast" - UFCG

Sharing of moments lived during the graduation and tips for the beginners in the Course of Computer Science in the UFCG.


  • Data Clustering - Cycle of Technical Seminars - PET Computação - UFCG

Clustering is the unsupervised classification of data, forming clusters; represents one of the main stages of data analysis processes, called cluster analysis. The use of clustering algorithms is part of the Data Mining area. Cluster analysis involves the organization of a set of patterns in clusters, according to some measure of similarity. Intuitively, patterns belonging to a cluster must be more "similar" to each other than to patterns belonging to other clusters. In the seminar, some problems solved by clustering, applications and efficient techniques for their solution are presented.

  • Postural Orientation - Cycle of Non-Technical Seminars - PET Computation - UFCG

According to several researches, the number of people with alterations, postural deviations and spinal pain is increasing. When the individual does not remain in good posture, an additional overload occurs in various parts of the body, which cause pain. In the Computer Science course, it is very common to find students and teachers complaining of back pain, neck, looking for physiotherapists for reasons that could be avoided with some changes in habits in certain activities. Take part in this seminar and come to discuss and learn how small changes in everyday life can lead to a healthier and less painful life.

  • Recapping Technical - Relational Database Normalization

In this presentation are recapitulated important rules for normalizing tables of a Database (BD). Normalization is a process from which rules are applied to all DB tables in order to avoid design failures, such as data redundancy and mixing of different subjects in the same table.

  • Report of Experiences in Graduation - "Week of the Beast" - UFCG

Sharing of moments lived during the graduation and tips for the beginners in the Course of Computer Science in the UFCG.


  • Mini-Course: Computer Assembly - "Beast Week" - UFCG

The main components and parts of a computer are presented; how to organize, install and configure the OS and some programs.

  • Geoprocessing and Geographic Information Systems - Cycle of Technical Seminars - PET Computation - UFCG

After the emergence of Google Maps and Google Earth a real revolution on the internet is happening. Companies of diverse branches already develop countless applications. All this makes people, who until then had no contact with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tools, can access any part of the planet through applications that use geoprocessing. Learn more about what is geoprocessing, see how some GIS works and the DSC projects that work with that area.

  • Introduction to the Bible - According to the Catholic Church - Cycle of Non-Technical Seminars - PET Computation - UFCG

The Bible is a very old but current book. It is the result of the long religious experience of the people of Israel. It is the record of several people (about 40 men with different professions, cultural backgrounds, social classes), diverse places and varied contexts. It is believed that the Bible was written over approximately 1,600 years. It is the most bought, most read and most published book of all time! Come to know a little more about its origin, format, authors and various curiosities. The presentation follows, predominantly, the vision of the Catholic Church.