

EECE 5651: Introduction to Photonic Devices


Introduces fundamentals of photonic devices and guided-wave optoelectronics relevant to optical communication systems and as building blocks for photonic-based computer networks. The course begins with an introduction to basic electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell’s equations in both free space and dielectric media. The scalar wave equation is solved for boundary conditions that affect transmission and reflection of light at dielectric interfaces to develop the concepts for dielectric slab and related fiber-optic waveguides used in short- and long-haul communication systems. The course continues with a discussion of key photonic devices including passives (couplers, interferometers, gratings, resonators), sources (semiconductor lasers), photon detectors and external modulators (electro- and acousto-optic). Components such as Mach-Zehnder Interferometers (MZIs), directional couplers and modulators will be discussed in the context of research-level technology for high performance computing in addition to communication. Final third of the semester will include a group project involving the design of photonic components with realistic constraints including materials and fabrication processes.

Semesters offered: Fall semester 2023, (2021-2022 as EECE 5698)

EECE 2210: Electrical Engineering


This course introduces the basic concepts used in the study of linear circuits, including current, voltage and power as well as models for resistors, capacitors and inductors. Basic circuit analysis will be presented using Kirchoff’s Laws to understand resistive networks and techniques such as nodal-voltage and mesh-current methods. We will understand the operation of frequently used methods for linear circuit simplification including the superposition method and Thevenin and Norton theorems. This course will explain the operation of ideal operational amplifiers and provide examples of several functions. In addition to basic circuits with static voltage and current sources, we will also learn to analyze the operation of circuits driven by time-varying voltage and current sources using phasors. We will also include a brief discussion on transient behaviors in reactive linear circuits. These concepts will be developed with attention to practical examples in engineering practice.

Semesters offered: Spring semester 2021-2024