Battle Grounds 3

Mapping Contest 2020

2020 Mapping Contest Winners

1st Place

lb_autumn by BeefBacon

2nd Place

sg_deroga by ColonelSanders and SpockJedi

3rd Place

bg_canal by QwErTy

Runner Up

bg_fort_stmathieu by KasoS

General information


Send an email to with your ID, discord profile, and map type to enter the contest. We will keep in contact with you via discord.

Alternatively, contact danihel#3242 via Discord to join.


The competition will end ​July 31st, 2020.

Contestants must submit check in .vmf files to the developers on the dates of ​May 31st and June 30th. ​The purpose of this is to make sure contestants are steadily working on their maps, to offer possible suggestions and catch major issues before the maps are published. Judges also have the right to disqualify submissions if they feel that the map is not being worked on.

Contestants need to send in their final compiled map and the hammer source file (the .bsp and .vmf) and any custom assets.

The winners will be announced by August 6th.

If there are under 10 entrants by May 31st, the contest will be cancelled.

Evaluation of submissions

The maps will be graded by a selection of judges. Judges will determine 70% of the score, while community judges make up the remaining 30%.

Community Judges

To apply to be a community judge please click here


Grading will happen according to the following criteria:

■ Polish

■ Gameplay

■ Originality

■ Graphics

Each of these criteria will be given a score out of 100.

These scores will be averaged out, the highest score wins, and so on.

Judges will have the final say in the event of a tie.


Community judge results will be posted before the main judges.



The prize money comes in the form of a PayPal payment and will be divided among the top 3 contestants in the following fashion:

  • 1st place - 50% of prize money

  • 2nd place - 30% of prize money

  • 3rd place - 20% of prize money

Type of map

The aim of this competition is to provide a fresh set of maps to BG3 through community content.

These maps need to fit one of the 'official' game modes. Therefore only the following map types are accepted:

  • Skirmish (eg bg_townguard)

  • CTF

  • Siege / ticket map

  • Linebattle

The maps also need to fit the historic time period of the game. Some artistic freedom is still allowed.

If you are unsure about the suitability of your map setting, please contact the staff beforehand.

As a general rule of thumb, if the map setting feels believable as 18th century America, it is allowed.


The submitted map needs to be originally created by the contestant, for this competition only.

Do not simply port maps from other games or previous versions of The Battlegrounds.

Contestants are asked to take screenshots of their progress during development to prove this.

Intellectual property

By participating, the contestant agrees that his or her map may be modified and used as an official BG3 map by the dev team.

You may only use models, textures or other assets that are part of BG3 or that are created by yourself. You are encouraged to create custom assets.