
Embeddable Google Maps showing all ballot drop-off locations.

Google My Maps

Embeddable Maps

Arizona: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Arizona Español: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Florida: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Florida Español: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Georgia: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Iowa: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Kentucky: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Michigan: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Minnesota: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Nevada: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Nevada Espanol: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
North Carolina: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Pennsylvania: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Texas: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Texas Español: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)
Wisconsin: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)

San Diego County Content: Google Map (Large) - Google Map (Medium) - Google Map (Small)

MapMyVote provides embeddable iFrames for maps from both Google and Esri, the world's two leading providers of map products. MapMyVote maps show the exact location, hours of operation, and special instructions for every ballot drop-off location in the state. These maps can be easily added to any website. Use of these maps is free and without restrictions of any kind.

It is important to note that the maps are standard Google and Esri mapping products, available to anyone. The maps themselves, once created, are served directly by Google and Esri. They can be used in websites and other communications. No special apps or custom technology is utilized. We simply process the ballot drop-off location data to produce the maps. Updating the maps is a simple process. If additional locations are made available, we can publish revised maps which will automatically be reflected everywhere the map is embedded.

MMV provides familiar Google MyMaps and high resolution Esri ArcGIS maps for each state and embeds them in a catalog site, which you can access below, explicitly posting the iFrame code required for consumers to similarly embed the maps in their websites and social media communications.

Note that while we provide state maps as a standard offering for the states listed below, county and city maps can be provided upon request. Contact MapMyVote to request a customized map area.