I am currently trying to export World Imagery for offline use, as I do not always have internet in the area I'm working. I would like to use the World Imagery (for Export) to create a tile package of my area of interest, a small coastal area of ~20 sq-km in South America. In all of my searching of the vast resources of the ESRI community, I have not yet succeeded to have an imagery file from which to work offline.

If anyone could help me in the objective of creating and accessing an imagery file to be used offline as a basemap, I would really appreciate the help. It is the first step in carrying out my work, and I hope there is a solution!

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Hey all, my internet is down for a few weeks so I figured I'd work in my co-op world offline for a while. However, when I change the settings to offline and try to load, it just tells me that steam is offline, and I need to change the settings to offline. Is there a workaround here? I've tried restarting and flipping all the switches I can think of. I'd really rather not have to start a new world.

I agree with having the option for an offline mode. Currently difficult to play whilst at the airport as the internet connection and mobile data is more limited (at least at Gatwick where I work) due to sheer number of people using data at the same time in the same area.

i saw that there's now unlimited save slots for dst! this is an epic achievement really glad it was added! now if only we can switch between offline and online server modes then people can play on their online worlds while offline and play with their friends on their offline worlds by making them online that would be super great too!

Depending on where you live in the world it is impossible to maintain a constant internet connection without interferences every now and then- Case in point: Not too long ago a storm hit down here and it killed the power and internet in my area.. because I live super close to a hospital they had power back up and running in no time, But the internet- that was down for a whole 6 hours or more.

For me offline worlds actually are less laggy than online worlds and I'm not always playing with friends so being able to play in an offline world and then switch when I can play with friends is preferable with me also it usually takes 20-30 seconds for DST to login to online so I skip it to save time.

I don't always have an online connection so not being able to play on my world because there's no internet is saddening... Almost every single game allows you to play regardless if you're connected to the internet so it would be great if DST was up to date like almost every other game with one of the most basic QoL feature of being able to play in your world with no hassle lol.

I personally don't care if you can't use skins and DLC characters (which is still kinda dumb since you can use DLC in DS without internet connection) in an offline world, I just want to be able to play in my world with no hassle and annoyance.

yeah, but still that's missing out on an entire world and 50-30% of game's content which sucks... I have faith now that there are unlimited save slots which was a big QoL addition that we will get stuff like this too hopefully soon until then it's laggy worlds then I can have the option to play with friends and I can't play in the world when no internet OR not laggy world but the whole "together" part of the game is gone for the world's entire lifespan

Also, i think i remember an option to put an online world to offline but it was irreversible if i remember well, so not an option if you just want to play alone a couple of days and with friends after that.

It's for security. On an offline world, people can easily connect using a cracked version of Don't Starve Together through LAN. Online worlds check if you have a Klei account, a Steam account, and if whether you're already connected to the server or not. Why a world can't be switched from online to offline and vice-versa is beyond my understanding. Hopefully someone with more knowledge could explain this.

It's for security. On an offline world, people can easily connect using a cracked version of Don't Starve Together through LAN. Online worlds check if you have a Klei account, a Steam account, and if whether you're already connected to the server or not

Close. Online worlds check you are who you say you are (using your steamid, PSN ID, Tencent Rail ID, etc, etc) while offline worlds just let you claim to be whomsoever you please, including people already in the game. It's fine if you're playing a friendly LAN game with your sister, but you wouldn't want to expose that to public play where you could be anonymously griefed by someone kicking you from your own server all day long and have absolutely nothing you could do about it.

What if playing on online hosts was allowed offline for single player use only? A message that prompts "you can only play single player game in online worlds while offline". Or is there some issue here as well?

you can actually switch the online mode to offline mode in the cluster.ini file I think (it worked the last time I did it), however I don't understand very well why this cannot be switched in game, but as @nome said I think this is unnecesary right now, the ones who need that feature (I am included) are just a few, lets wait until the game is finished and klei team is a bit less busy to ask for this feature again

It's for security. On an offline world, people can easily connect using a cracked version of Don't Starve Together through LAN. Online worlds check if you have a Klei account, a Steam account, and if whether you're already connected to the server or not. Why a world can't be switched from online to offline and vice-versa is beyond my understanding. Hopefully someone with more knowledge could explain this.

I think it has to do with the naming conventions of the user. In offline mode, the user's data is saved in a file/folder named OU_BunchO'Numbers (OU = offline user), but when you're online, it's saved in a file/folder named KU_BunchO'Numbers (KU = klei user). You could open up your saveindex file and manually assign online_mode to true/false for whatever slot you want, but you'll lose your character's save data since your user identification will change, and the save data you had before will no longer be relevant.

It can be done. It is in no way against Klei's terms of service for you to convert your world from offline to online. We have even given vague instructions for doing so in the past. However, it's not something we've ever had time to automate, and we don't want people messing up the reasonably complex process and then coming to us for tech support on fixing their broken world. So it's unsupported. Feel free to do it, but only if you're sufficiently technical that you understand what you're doing and won't look to us to fix it. Much like mods.


something strange is happening to me la


sometimes my world map is bugged with offline textures tiles in it. When I launch the flight from this bugged map I see several offlines tiles poping around my plane. (those offline textures are not related to clouds/poor imagery)

It happens from time to time, sometimes my worl map loads normaly, and the flight has only online textures, sometimes I have to restart my computer to get things back to normal.

tried with and without mods.

Have you experimented such a bug?

thanks for your time.

Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions and promotes a fact-based worldview everyone can understand.

RACHEL (Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning) is a portable, battery-powered, device that contains copies of educational websites in offline format. This means RACHEL can go anywhere in the world and wirelessly deliver free digital educational content to nearby tablets, laptops, or smartphones with no internet or data plans required. RACHEL has been taken to over 53 countries since its creation, serving students in rural villages, townships, and even prisons.

RACHEL contains everything you need to bring a digital library of 

content to any offline community. Just turn RACHEL on and connect any 

tablet, laptop or smartphone to RACHEL's WiFi signal.

RACHEL comes pre-loaded with copies of leading educational websites as those websites existed when World Possible last made a copy of them. We also incorporate other offline content producers, such as Kiwix and Learning Equality (creators of KA-Lite and Kolibri) so you can deploy with all the best content available offline and none of the technical headache to get started. You can view and download our content library by clicking the link below.

Do you work in a prison or jail that does not allow internet access? RACHEL provides a fully offline solution to deliver educational content. Correctional facilities have more restrictions and greater needs (such as secure laptops, access to Canvas, support for hundreds of users, and content censorship) than our international deployments and we support this work more directly with each agency, nonprofit, or college.below.

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims at learning effective policies from historical data without extra environment interactions. During our experience of applying offline RL, we noticed that previous offline RL benchmarks commonly involve significant reality gaps, which we have identified include rich and overly exploratory datasets, degraded baseline, and missing policy validation. In many real-world situations, to ensure system safety, running an overly exploratory policy to collect various data is prohibited, thus only a narrow data distribution is available. The resulting policy is regarded as effective if it is better than the working behavior policy; the policy model can be deployed only if it has been well validated, rather than accomplished the training. In this paper, we present a Near real-world offline RL benchmark, named NeoRL, to reflect these properties. NeoRL datasets are collected with a more conservative strategy. Moreover, NeoRL contains the offline training and offline validation pipeline before the online test, corresponding to real-world situations. We then evaluate recent state-of-the-art offline RL algorithms in NeoRL. The empirical results demonstrate that some offline RL algorithms are less competitive to the behavior cloning and the deterministic behavior policy, implying that they could be less effective in real-world tasks than in the previous benchmarks. We also disclose that current offline policy evaluation methods could hardly select the best policy. We hope this work will shed some light on future research and deploying RL in real-world systems. e24fc04721


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