M.A.P. News

The Podcast That informs you

No poverty

A worldwide affliction, poverty is an issue that affects everyone in this world. In the premiere episode of M.A.P. News, we discuss its impact on society and ways to lessen its harm.

Zero Hunger

"Breakfast is the most important meal of your day" is a common adage told to schoolchildren. What happens if there is no breakfast, no adequate meals? SDG #2 reconciles the harsh reality for many worldwide.

Good Health & Well-being

We can safely assume that anyone reading this website has heard of the words "COVID-19" and "pandemic." But prior to the global health crisis, progress was truly being made in terms of goal #3: overall, increased access to physicians, health care, and sanitation lowered unnecessary deaths. Join us as we discuss the importance of all aspects of health, including mental health.

Quality Education

Education is the leveling ground of a society, a place where future generations can explore their talents. To preserve the achievements of these Sustainable Development Goals, it is essential that aptitude is developed— through SDG #4: quality education.

Gender Equality

The feminist movement has made great strides with gender equality, but there are still many parts of the world where this is not yet a reality, even in the United States itself. In this episode, we explore the extent of the successes of past generations and what comes next in the ever-constant fight for gender equality.

Clean water & Sanitation

Water: the elixir of life. It is astounding that a third of people worldwide have no access to clean water, and even more lack hand-washing facilities. Following a period that has shown exactly how greatly hygiene affects life, SDG #6 is more essential than ever.

Affordable & clean energy

The world as we know it today runs on energy. With billions of people to provide for, natural resources will inevitably cease to be sufficient, leading to higher costs. In this episode, we will discuss the importance of "clean energy" and how you can help turn the tide.

Decent work & economic growth

Closely linked to poverty, the ability to generate enough income is integral to many lives today. In a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations emphasized this goal: a marker to test the strength of economic recovery. As we will see in this episode of M.A.P. News, financial stability is an important factor for the lives of many.

Industry, Innovation & infrastructure

The last few centuries have been a period of exponential development in terms of technology. However, some nations have been left behind. In this episode, we'll consider the impacts of strong infrastructure globally.

Reduced inequalities

As with Episode #5, this episode will debate inequalities, whether gender, racial, or socioeconomic. We'll offer ways to reflect and prevent this issue from becoming worse, as inequalities are only exacerbated by heightened tension.

Sustainable Cities & communities

Sustainability is defined by the capacity for viable, long-lasting technology, ideas, and infrastructure. This is especially important for communities and urbanized areas because of high resource use and dense populations. In the eleventh installment of M.A.P. News, we'll be looking at ways you can help make your community more sustainable (and what that even means, anyway!)

Responsible consumption & Production

In the Sustainable Development Goals, it's important to mention how to become a more sustainable individual. We've all heard of "reduce, reuse, and recycle," but in this episode, we'll examine some options to maximize your personal impact by minimizing it!

Climate Action

Climate change is a worldwide issue: no one, regardless of location or status, can escape it. But what we can do is mitigate it. This is an ambitious undertaking for any group of nations, even more so for individuals. In this episode, we'll demonstrate ways you can help— and discuss how much a single action can impact the world!

Life below water

Did you know most of the oxygen we breathe comes from plankton in the ocean? The ocean is an important part of the livelihoods of many, and it is a priority to manage pollution, overfishing, and other threats to the ocean.

Life on land

Perhaps a little closer to humans is the health of the flora and fauna on land. Life on land and the ecosystems they make up is essential for life as we know it. Episode #15 will consider how we can preserve the life around us here on land.

Peace, Justice & Strong institutions

In much of the world, the legal system serves as the framework for government. With "world peace" a lofty goal ahead, what better place to start than with justice? Join us in this episode as we examine potential faults in the justice system and offer suggestions on keeping the backbone of society strong.

Partnerships For the Goals

These Sustainable Development Goals often align, all aiming for a harmonious planet. The most integrated machines require all their parts to work in conjunction, and that is what we will outline in the finale of M.A.P. News.