Diversity Statement

Statement on past and planned contributions to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion

1. Past Contributions:

Throughout my career, I have actively promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion through initiatives aligned with my areas of expertise and the subjects I've taught:

1.1 Inclusive Curriculum Development: In the courses I've taught, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, I have ensured that the curriculum reflects diverse perspectives and applications. For example, I've integrated case studies showcasing the role of AI in addressing social issues, thus making the subject matter more inclusive.

1.2 Research Collaboration: Within the domains of computer science, AI, ML, and data science, I've sought out collaborations with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. This approach brings different viewpoints to my research and fosters an inclusive research environment where varied experiences are valued.

1.3 Student Mentorship: In mentoring students, I've paid particular attention to underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. By guiding these students, both in terms of their academic and career development, I've contributed to their successful entry and progression in computer science.

2. Planned Contributions:

Going forward, I am committed to enhancing my contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion, leveraging the following strategies:

2.1 Broadening Research Networks: Within my research on AI and ML, I plan to actively seek partnerships with researchers who bring diverse perspectives to the table, helping to address a broader range of research questions.

2.2 Global Engagement: Given my expertise in climate science, I aim to engage in cross-border collaborations and support projects with a global impact, demonstrating the significance of diversity and inclusion on a worldwide scale.

2.3 Inclusive Course Development: In expanding my role in academia, I intend to create more courses related to AI, data science, and computer systems. These courses will incorporate real-world applications, underscoring the importance of diversity in solving complex problems.

2.4 Student Outreach: Through outreach programs and workshops, I plan to actively recruit students from underrepresented groups into STEM disciplines, with a focus on computer science, helping to break down barriers that can deter their participation.

2.5 Community Advocacy: My participation in academic committees and organizations related to AI, ML, and data science will involve advocating for diversity and equity in research, curriculum design, and faculty recruitment.