Manuel García-Santana
Development Research Group, World Bank
Research Interests: Macroeconomics: Trade, Growth and Development.
Senior Economist, World Bank (Macroeconomics and Growth team of the WB’s Research Department)
STEG Theme Leader (The Role of the Public Sector)
Associate Editor, Journal of International Economics
Associate Editor, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (SERIEs)
CEPR Research Fellow (Macroeconomics and Growth)
Associate professor with tenure at UPF (on leave)
Research Associate at CREI (on leave)
Affiliated Professor at Barcelona School of Economics (on leave)
Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
Work in Progress
"Governments' Home Bias and Efficiency Losses: Evidence from National and Subnational Governments"
(with Marta Santamaría)
"Buy Big or Buy Small? Procurement Policies, Firms' Financing, and the Macroeconomy"
(with Julian di Giovanni, Priit Jeenas, Enrique Moral-Benito, and Josep Pijoan-Mas)
[working paper][Let's Talk Development][VoxEU]
Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review
"Investment Demand and Structural Change"
(with Josep Pijoan-Mas and Lucciano Villacorta)
Econometrica, 2021, 89(6), 2751-2785
"On the Direct and Indirect Real Effects of Credit Supply Shocks"
(with Laura Alfaro and Enrique Moral-Benito)
Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, Vol. 139
"Growing like Spain: 1995-2007"
(with Enrique Moral-Benito, Roberto Ramos, and Josep Pijoan-Mas)
International Economic Review, February 2020, 61(1), pp. 384-416.
[paper] [VOXEU] [The Economist] [El País] [Interview in La Vanguardia] [NeG]
"Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure: evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India"
(with Jose Asturias and Roberto Ramos)
Journal of the European Economic Association, December 2019, 17(6), pp. 1881-1940.
[paper] [appendix] [VOXDEV] [NeG]
This paper was awarded the European Economic Association Hicks-Tinbergen medal 2020.
The research project was awarded a PEDL grant from the CEPR.
"From Final Goods to Inputs: The Protectionist Effect of Preferential Rules of Origin"
(with Paola Conconi, Laura Puccio, and Roberto Venturini)
American Economic Review, 108, 2018, 2335-2365
[paper] [appendix]
"The Reservation Laws in India and the Misallocation of Production Factors"
(with Josep-Pijoan Mas)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014, 66, 193-209
[paper] [appendix]
"Distortions and the size distribution of plants: evidence from cross-country data"
(with Roberto Ramos)
SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, August 2015, 6(3), 279-312.
Contact Information
Development Research Group
The World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433