

Long-term unemployment subsidies and middle-age disadvantaged workers’ health” (with José Ignacio Garcia-Pérez and Judit Vall Castelló). Journal of Population Economics, 2024. Media coverage:

The Populist Backlash Against Globalization: A Meta-Analysis of the Causal Evidence” (with G. Scheiring, A. Moise, C. McNamara and D. Stuckler). British Journal of Political Science, 2024. Replication package. Media coverage: infolibre

Health and labor market effects of an unanticipated rise in retirement age. Evidence from the 2012 Italian pension reform”. Health Economics, 2023

"How to increase COVID-19 vaccination among a population with persistently suboptimal vaccine uptake? Evidence from the North Macedonia mobile vaccination and public health advice caravan" (with  M. Mckee,  L. Palumbo, C. Salvi, A. Johansen and  D. Stuckler). Health Policy, 2023

The far-right and anti-vaccine attitudes: lessons from Spain’s mass COVID-19 vaccine roll-out” (with Y. Wang, A. Kentikelenis, M.Mckee and D. Stuckler. European Journal of Public Health 2023 

Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia” (with HM. Hernández-Pizarro, C. Nicodemo and G. López-Casasnovas) Journal of Health Economics 2022, 102645 (Prize for best paper by a young researcher in Spanish Health Economics Association (AES) Conference 2021).Nada es gratis blog post

"Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on mental health: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in England and Scotland" (with A. Kentikelenis, M.Mckee and D. Stuckler) Health Economics 2022 (Awarded best Health Economics article 2023 by Spanish Health Economics Association, AES) 

Effect of a national Primary Care reform on avoidable hospital admissions (2000-2015): a difference-in-difference analysis” (with K. Dimitrovova & J. Perelman) Social Science & Medicine 2020

Multimorbidity and intention to retire: a cross-sectional study on 14 European countries” (with P. Laires, H. Canhão and J. Perelman) International Journal of Public Health 2019, 1-9

Tobacco control policies and smoking among older adults: a longitudinal analysis of 10 European countries” (with A. Kunst, J. Bosdriesz & J. Perelman) Addiction, 2019

Ageing under unequal circumstances: a cross-sectional analysis of the gender and socioeconomic patterning of functional limitations among the Southern European elderly” (with J. Perelman) International journal for equity in health, 2017, 16(1), 175

How to protect people in response to COVID-19 economic downturns: Insights from past economic crises.” (with A. Kentikelenis and D. Stuckler) Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Editorial. 



“To Stay or to Go: A comparison of Institutional and Home-based Care Options for Elderly and Long-Term Care needs” (with HM. Hernández-Pizarro, C. Nicodemo and G. López-Casasnovas)