Manuel Hauke

Welcome to my personal website!

I am an Austrian mathematician who obtained his PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Christoph Aistleitner at the Institute of Analysis and Number Theory at TU Graz.  I was a Junior fellow for the program "Analytic number theory'' at Institut Mittag-Leffler (Stockholm). Currently, I am employed as a Postdoctorate Research Associate at the University of York by Prof. Victor Beresnevich and Prof. Sanju Velani and I will start as a Postdoctoral Fellow at NTNU Trondheim in August 2024.

I am mainly working on (metric) Diophantine approximation and fine-scale statistics of sequences, with tools from analysis, number theory and probability theory, but I am always eager to explore new areas of mathematics that are related to number theory and uniform distribution.

For more information, please use the menu on the top right or see my CV here.
