Working Papers


6. The Heterogeneous Effects of Household Debt Relief

      With Miguel Ferreira and Miguel Oliveira, April 2024.

5. Screen More, Sell Later: Screening and Dynamic Signaling in the Mortgage Market

      With Bin Wei and Feng Zhao, December 2023.

4. The Environmental Cost of Easy Credit: The Housing Channel

      With David Robinson, October 2023. NBER WP 31769

3. Mutual Fund Flows and Capital Supply in Municipal Financing

      With Chiyoung Cheong, Jaewon Choi, and Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh, June 2023. NBER WP 30980, R&R

2. The Role of Government and Private Institutions in Credit Cycles in the U.S. Mortgage Market

      With W. Ben McCartney and Antoinette Schoar, June 2020. NBER WP 27499

1. Perception of House Price Risk and Homeownership

      With Antoinette Schoar and Felipe Severino, June 2018. NBER WP 27090


Work in Progress

1. Segmented Multipliers: Evidence from Welfare Cuts

      With Jim Goldman, November 2022.

Permanent Working Papers

  2. Loan Originations and Defaults in the Mortgage Crisis: Further Evidence

      With Antoinette Schoar and Felipe Severino, June 2015.

  1. Do Investors Rely Only on Ratings? The Case of Mortgage-Backed Securities