
Manuel A. Muñoz serves as Senior Adviser at the Spanish Treasury, where he is currently coordinating the FSAP Spain 2023/24. Prior to that he was Senior Lead Expert at the European Central Bank (2020 - 2023). He has been Senior Adviser for Financial Affairs at the Minister’s Office of the Spanish Ministry of Economy (2017 - 2020). He has served as Head of Service at the Spanish Treasury, first at the Financial Policy and Regulation Department and, then, at the Strategic Analysis and International Financial System Department (2015 - 2017). He has been a member of the Financial Innovation Network (FSB), the Analytical Group on Vulnerabilities or AGV Group (FSB) and the Expert Group on Barriers to the Free Movement of Capital (European Commission). He has been a Research Assistant at the Monetary Policy Research Division of the European Central Bank. 

He holds a PhD in Economics and Finance (UCM, UV, UPV and UCLM) and a MSc in Specialized Economic Analysis (Barcelona School of Economics). He graduated in Economics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is a member of the Cuerpo Superior de Técnicos Comerciales y Economistas del Estado (Senior Corps of Spanish State Economists and Trade Experts) and of the “la Caixa” Fellowship Association. His research interests are in the fields of applied macroeconomics, monetary economics and banking.


Address: Paseo del Prado 6, 28014 Madrid.