Messy Church

Messy Church has come to Mansfield! It is sponsored by area churches and held at First United Methodist Church, 67 E. Wellsboro St. Messy Church is eld on the fourth Sunday of every month from 4:00-6:00 PM.  Dinner is included.
Messy Church has come to Mansfield! It is sponsored by area churches and held at First United Methodist Church, 67 E. Wellsboro St. Messy Church is held on the fourth Sunday of every month from 4:00-6:00 PM.  Dinner is included.

So what is Messy Church?The first Messy Church began in 2004 at a church near Portsmouth, U.K. They decided to do something for all ages together, partly out of a belief that we grow best as a church when we walk the journey with as many different people as possible, and partly from a desire to help families to grow together in their walk of faith throughout their lives.
The global Messy Church motto is “Church, but not as you know it”.  If you have attended church for a long time, Messy Church probably won’t look like church to you.  At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible. A foundational part of Messy Church is to gather around the table for a snack or meal and build relationships with each other, God, and the world. After all, Jesus basically eats his way through the Gospels! 
Messy Church is kind of hard to explain, so try these two things; 1) search “What Is Messy Church” on YouTube and watch the video, then 2) join us to find out more about it!  It is designed for everyone and all ages.  It is a place to learn more about Jesus and to meet new people.  The April 28th Messy Church is based on the book of Micah (love, justice &fairness).  For more information email or text 814-932-3673.
Join us the fourth Sunday of every month at Messy Church!
*Messy Church at Mainsburg UMC is held on the second Saturday of each month from 4:00pm-6:00pm.  They do have different themes than the one in Mansfield.  So why not go to both? Again, Messy Church is an International organization designed for all ages!  Bring the whole family!