Church ServiceS
Events & Announcements
Meet Our New Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez!
Bishop Burgos Núñez Addresses
the United Methodists in the Susquehanna Conference
Click HERE to view more
Messy Church
Quilts of Valor
Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
We discovered that our local Girl Scout troops collect tabs for the RMH. All can top tabs that are aluminum are collected. (Soda, beer, soup cans, vegetables cans etc.)
Why tabs? 1.) They are clean without food residue on them 2.) They take up less space and 3.) There is a higher concentration of aluminum in the tab.
How are they used? These tabs are turned into recycling for cash.
What is the cash used for? The cash is used for extras that are needed at the RMH. Families can stay free at these houses while their child is in the hospital. The cost runs about $140/night. The extra money pays for things to help the families stay.
Our grandchildren’s infant brother has spent most of his 3.5 months in the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. His parents and siblings can stay at the RMH for free. The tabs help pay for things to make their stay more comfortable.
It is easy to do…. Just bring your tabs to church and put them in the collection bin. You can even put a collection container in a break room where you work, then bring them to church. How ever you collect them, if you only bring 5 or 500, bring them to church. It might not be too many, but every little bit helps! Thank you!
INtroducing vanco!
Vanco is an eGiving Tool. Scan the QR code with your smart phone or just click on the QR code to visit our link.
Click HERE to learn more about using Vanco.
More information coming soon.
Welcome Message from Our Pastor
Welcome to the website of First United Methodist Church in Mansfield, PA! We desire to be a place where all may find healing in their brokenness, nourishment in a journey with Jesus Christ and caring companions for that journey.
Whether you are a resident of the Northern Tier or traveling in the area, we invite you to visit with us Sundays at 10am for worship. Worship is both in-person and virtual, streaming on Facebook Live. Coming soon, we will also have archived past worship services on our site for you to view.
First UMC is a historic congregation located just across from Mansfield University. Our tall white steeple is a familiar landmark in the area. Our worship and fellowship spaces are handicapped accessible, and there is ample off-street parking.
Pastor Ed Preston and his wife Donna have been serving First Church since July of 2021. They have two children and two grandchildren. Donna has a love for children’s ministries and has already been working to create learning and fellowship ministries for both children and families.
We invite you to visit First Church for worship or any fellowship event. You’ll find a place you can call home for your spiritual journey wherever you may be on that path.
In Christ,
Pastor Ed & Donna Preston