International Titan Gold Winner for Best Technical Strategy and Implementation 2023

As my company was planning to think about the observability practices needed for modern applications, I helped define the SRE practice for the company and rolled out a roadmap applying my POWER framework into effect with piloting with a team and learning to extend the culture to multiple teams using an innovative scoring model and big bang approach. 

This initiative and approach has won accolades, internal (Bravo) and external awards like the Gold Winner of Titan Business Award.

Receiving the 'International Achievers Award' in the Eurasian Business Summit, British Parliament, House of Commons, London, UK for the contributions to the field of Software Reliability Engineering from the dignitaries: 

Mr. Virendra Sharman, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, UK

Ms. Nimisha Madhva, High Commissioner of Rep. of Uganda to UK and Ireland

Mr. Thomas Chazikadan, M.P of India. 

My first College career path coaching session with 74 students facilitated by IEEE student chapter and MITSAWA. Being an expert in AIOps and Devops Tools and Techniques with over 18 years of experience in the software engineering field, was able to help students with their questions on how to nurture their career in different career paths. 

Students are specifically appreciative about the Mindset coaching I offer with frameworks helping them how to define and achieve different goals of their life with POWER framework and engineering the blue print of their life and working towards it with a positive mindset despite of any set backs time to time

Infosys Most Valuable Player Award is given to the best of the best employees for their outstanding performance every quarter. employing over 200,000 employees and only the top 0.01 percentile get this award amongst the professionals in their life time working at a leading global technology services company and honored to be one amongst them. 

I participate in multiple webinars time to time and when I see the potential of it helping other community members, I volunteer to support the concept of sharing the technology skills and knowledge for free across the globe. It is particularly helpful for the community who do not have access to the life on the other side due to socio-economic reasons. 

Thanks for GSDC recognizing my acts and appreciating the cause of sharing the knowledge with the world. 

My first Top Voice Badge in Team Leadership category from Linkedin which not only opened up my mindset that sharing knowledge is not only helpful to the community, but rewarding to self. 

Thanks Linkedin for the opportunity. 

National IT Aptitude Test - Top 1 Percentile Analytics

National IT Aptitude Test - World Chess Grand Master Vishwanathan Anand Signed Certificate. Manoj was amongst the top 1 percentile of the applicants. 

Topmate platform is for digital contributors and supports online sales of digital products, webinars and mentorship sessions. With over 25 bookings, I was amongst the top 1% for Sep 2023. 

National Science Day Celebrations - Physics Fair Winner

National Science Festival - Playcard Contest Winner

#ManojKuppam, #Manoj_Kuppam, #Manoj Kuppam, #ManojKumar #Manoj_Kumar #AIOps, #SRE, #SRELeadership