Manifold Learning from Euclid to Riemann
In Conjunction with the 25th International Conference On Pattern Recognition, Milan, Italy 10 - 15 January 2021
The workshop is planned on January 11th 2021, 14:00 - 18:00
The workshop of Manifold learning: from Euclid to Riemann is accepted as a half day workshop in conjuction with the ICPR 2020 conference
Special Issue: We will invite selected papers for submission to a special issue on Learning with Manifolds in computer vision in IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING Journal. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/image-and-vision-computing/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-learning-with-manifolds-in-computer-vision
About this Workshop
In this workshop, we will explore the latest development in machine learning techniques developed to work on/benefit from the non-linear manifolds. We will also target challenges and future directions related to the application of non-linear geometry, Riemannian manifolds in computer vision and machine learning. This workshop also acts as an opportunity for cross-disciplinary discussions and collaborations.
We encourage discussions on recent advances, ongoing developments, and novel applications of manifold learning, optimization, feature representations and deep learning techniques. We are soliciting original contributions that address a wide range of theoretical and practical issues including, but not limited to:
Theoretical Advances related to manifold learning such as
Dimensionality Reduction (e.g., Locally Linear Embedding, Laplacian Eigenmaps and etc.)
Clustering (e.g., discriminative clustering)
Kernel methods
Metric Learning
Time series on non-linear manifolds
Transfert learning on non-linear manifolds
Generative Models on non-linear manifolds
Subspace Methods (e.g., Subspace clustering)
Advanced Optimization Techniques (constrained and non-convex optimization techniques on non-linear manifolds)
Mathematical Models for learning sequences
Mathematical Models for learning Shapes
Deep learning and non-linear manifolds
Low-rank factorization methods
Image/video recognition
Action/activity recognition
Facial expressions recognition
Learning and scene understanding
Medical imaging
Other related topics not listed above
Important Dates
Workshop submission deadline: October 17th
Workshop author notification: November 10th
Camera-ready submission: November 15th
Finalized workshop program: December 1st
For futher information, please send email to maniflearn@googlegroups.com