ModelIng edıtor

We developed a modeling editor for ManLang using the Metaedit+ meta-modeling tool. We used Metaedit+’s GOPPRR[1] technology to map the language viewpoint definitions into the Metaedit+ environment. By doing so, we obtained the modeling editor that enables to specify the multiple-viewpoints models in accordance with the ManLang definitions. The figure above shows how ManLang’s editor can be used to specify the requirements for a production planning, starting with the investment requirements and ending with the process flow model. So apparently, the viewpoint models for any production planning are specified separately but connected to each other and one may traverse different viewpoint models starting from the investment model.

Also, the modeling editor has been further extended with an analyser that can check any model specified with regard to the meta-model definitions at modeling time. These include checking whether (i)the multiplicity rules between the modeling elements defined for each viewpoint are satisfied or not (e.g., each process shall include at least one operation), (ii)the relationship rules for each viewpoint are satisfied or not (e.g., any resource shall be associated with an operation only), and (iii)the models created for any viewpoint is complete with regard to the viewpoint definition (e.g., the investment viewpoint model shall include a product).

The detailed information regarding the toolset may be accessible via the paper accepted by ENASE 2022 [2].

[1] GOPPRR web-site: support/45/manuals/mwb/Mw-1 1.html

[2] Ozkaya, M. and Gokcek, G. (2022). ManLang: A Requirements Modeling Language for the Production Planning in Manufacturing. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, ISBN 978-989-758-568-5, ISSN 2184-4895, pages 395-404.