ManLANG: A Requirements Modeling Language for the Production Planning in Manufacturing

In manufacturing industries, production planning involves making early decisions about the design and production of a product that focuses on different concerns such as the investment to be made, the product (and its parts) to be manufactured, production line, workstations, and production processes. The decisions and requirements about those concerns tend to be specified using office tools in many manufacturing companies. However, office tools lead to some issues including (i)the lack of support for separation of concerns, graphical editing, precise notation set, and error detection, and (ii)inconsistent and incomplete requirements specifications. We propose a modeling language called ManLang for specifying the production planning requirements graphically using multiple viewpoints (i.e., investment, product, line, workstation, and process). With ManLang, the different viewpoint models may be specified separately in a way that the viewpoint models can also be traced via the defined relationships between the viewpoints. We support ManLang with a graphical modeling editor, which enables for the multiple-viewpoints modeling and the automated model checking with regard to the language definition rules. So, the viewpoint models can be checked automatically for (i)completeness with regard to the language definition and (ii)consistency between the viewpoint models.

We also described a model transformation tool that transforms the multiple-viewpoints model in ManLang into a model in AutomationML, which is a data exchange format for the production systems data. By doing so, ManLang models can be imported any tools that accept the data in AutomationML format.

Have a look at our presentation slides for ENASE 2022

ManLang has been proposed as part of the ITEA AITOC project.

ManLang toolset (editor+analysers+generators) have been developed using the Metaedit+ meta-modeling tool. To download the latest version of the meta-model file (.mxt), please click the versions given below. The meta-model file needs to be imported in Metaedit+, which then generates the modeling editor for ManLang including the analyser and any available generators.

Meta-model V1 (ManLang Editor) (2021.11)

Meta-model V2 (ManLang Editor+AutomationML Generator) (2022.2)

Meta-model V3 (ManLang Editor+AutomationML Generator + Modelica Generator) ( Soon...)