Manki Kim

About this site.

Hello, this is a site of Manki Kim (김만기).

I am a postdoctoral fellow at SITP, Stanford. My primary interests are string theory, string phenomenology, and cosmology.

Below, you can see my CV and email address.

Electronic Address

This is my complete academic CV

A few years ago, I was inspired by a number of articles and stories about CV of failure which led me to make my own version of CV of failure. I would try to keep CV of failure updated up to date.

Research statement I used for my first postdoc application.

Recently, I received a few requests to share my research statement that I used for my first postdoc application. Now that I think of the statement, there are a few places I want to change. But, I just decided to publicly share it in its original form.

Research statement I used for my second postdoc/first faculty application.

This is the research statement I used for my second postdoc application. I also wrote some future directions I am hoping to undertake, it would be amazing if some other people also find them interesting.

A rejection letter from Cornell.

This is a rejection letter I received from Cornell for my ph.d application. 

A few topics I am interested in these days.

Below, I listed some topics that I am very interested in. This does not mean that I am working on all those topics or I have good ideas on how to make progress on these topics. I just find those topics very interesting. In my opinion, all of these questions are too big to answer with a few papers.  

Here are some talks I gave (under constructions)