Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy details the information collected by Mankatsu ("we", "us", "our") via our mobile applications and website, and our usage of this information.

By playing our games, using our websites or communicating with us, you are expressing your agreement to this Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or concerns in regards to this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email:

Policy changes

We may change this Policy from time to time so please check this page occasionally to ensure that you're happy with any changes.

Collecting information

We do not collect personal information through our applications or website.

We do not require you to provide any information to download or use our mobile applications, and we do not collect any information about you or your device, excepting:

  • non-personal information about how the App is used, and for how long, such as the screens viewed and actions taken within the applications, for the specific purpose of improving our applications.

Our apps use advertising services such as Google's AdMob wich has their own policies available at

Third-party site links

Our website and Applications may contain links to third-party websites and services for which we claim no responsibility for the privacy practices or content therein.

Support requests can be made via email

You may contact us via email in regards to any general or specific support enquiries. Any information provided in this request, including your email address, will only be used to provide support. Any support requests from individuals identifying themselves as under the age of 13 will only be used to respond to said request, and will be immediately and irretrievably deleted when the request has been resolved.

Effective date of the privacy policy

Updated February 21, 2020.