
Extra-Curricular Activity Head TCET Student Development and Welfare (TSDW)

Students' Council - TCET (TSDW)

With a goal of providing a common platform to students for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities the Students’ Council – TCET was formed in the academic year 2004-05 as per the guidelines of the Mumbai University. The Students’ Council is the representative body of the students of the College. It is responsible for all the major sports and cultural activities that are organized like SOJOURN, ENERTIA and ‘SPECIAL DAYS’. Activities under the council are well supported by the team of faculty members. A gist of all the events is as follows:

Important activities

Traditional Day

Tie & Saree Day


Faculty Sports

Rose Day


B.E Farewell

Future plans

To start various clubs to nurture the hobbies of students and provide a platform for their skills and talent.

Working Committee


Chairman of the Council

Dr. B. K. Mishra, Principal

Overall In-Charge

Dr. Lochan Jolly, Dean-SSW

Extra-Curricular Activity Head

Dr. Manish Rana

Faculty In-Charge

Mr. Vikas Singh /Mr. Krishna Gaikwad

Sports Faculty in-charge

Mr. Nikhil Tiwari




Student Council

TCET Council

Technical Program


Traditional Day