
Non-Hemitian Phases

Non-Hermitian topological phases refer to a branch of condensed matter physics that explores topological properties of quantum systems described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Traditional Hermitian Hamiltonians have real eigenvalues and describe systems that conserve probability. In contrast, non-Hermitian Hamiltonians have complex eigenvalues and describe systems that violate the conservation of probability.

Non-Hermitian topological phases have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique and intriguing properties. These phases can exhibit topological phenomena such as nontrivial edge states, bulk-boundary correspondence, and topological phase transitions. The study of non-Hermitian topological phases has opened up new avenues to explore novel physical phenomena and has implications for both fundamental physics and potential technological applications.

Floquet systems

Floquet topological phases refer to a class of topological phases that arise in periodically driven quantum systems. Unlike static topological phases, where the Hamiltonian is time-independent, Floquet topological phases emerge when the system is subjected to an external periodic driving field. Floquet topological phases have been realized and studied in various physical systems, including ultracold atoms in optical lattices, solid-state systems, and photonic setups. Experimental techniques such as Floquet spectroscopy and pump-probe measurements have been employed to probe the emergence of Floquet topological properties in these systems.

The study of Floquet topological phases has opened up new avenues for controlling and manipulating quantum systems using external driving fields. These phases offer opportunities for exploring novel phenomena, such as Floquet Majorana fermions and topological phase transitions induced by driving fields. Additionally, the interplay between static and driven topological phases has been investigated, leading to the discovery of hybrid or symmetry-protected Floquet topological phases. Overall, Floquet topological phases provide a rich framework for studying time-dependent quantum systems and offer exciting prospects for both fundamental research and potential technological applications in areas such as quantum information processing and topological quantum computation.

Higher order systems

Higher-order topological phases are a fascinating class of topological phases of matter that exhibit topological properties not only at the boundaries but also in higher-dimensional subspaces within the bulk of a material. In these phases, the robust edge or surface states found in lower-dimensional topological phases are replaced by states localized on lower-dimensional boundaries within the bulk. 

Higher-order topological phases have been proposed and studied in various systems, including electronic systems, photonic systems, and mechanical systems. They are typically characterized by topological invariants specific to the dimensionality of the boundary states, which can be computed using methods such as Berry curvature, Chern numbers, or topological indices. The study of higher-order topological phases has attracted significant interest due to their intriguing topological properties and potential for novel applications. These phases can exhibit unique boundary properties that are not present in conventional topological phases, offering new possibilities for robust information storage and transmission. Moreover, the understanding and control of higher-order topological phases contribute to the development of topological quantum computation and topological photonics, among other fields.

Topological superconductors

Topological superconductors are a fascinating class of materials that combine the phenomena of superconductivity and nontrivial topology. In these materials, superconductivity and the associated Cooper pairing of electrons are intertwined with topological properties, leading to the emergence of exotic quasiparticles and robust boundary states. In a topological superconductor, the superconducting state is enriched by nontrivial topology, which gives rise to protected states at the boundaries or defects of the material. These protected states are known as Majorana zero modes, which possess unique properties that make them appealing for quantum information processing.

Majorana zero modes are non-Abelian anyons, which means their braiding properties allow for topological quantum computations that are robust against certain types of errors. These properties make topological superconductors promising candidates for the implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computing and topological qubits, which can be used to encode and manipulate quantum information. Experimental efforts to realize and characterize topological superconductors are ongoing. Several candidate materials, such as certain types of superconducting nanowires, hybrid systems involving superconductors and topological insulators, and engineered heterostructures, have been investigated. Detecting and manipulating Majorana zero modes is a significant experimental challenge, but recent progress has been made in the development of techniques, such as tunneling spectroscopy and interferometry, to probe and manipulate these exotic quasiparticles.

In summary, topological superconductors represent a fascinating frontier in the study of condensed matter physics. They combine the remarkable properties of superconductivity with nontrivial topology, paving the way for potential applications in quantum information processing and quantum technologies.